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As diabetes month is observed, Hispanics control the disease with diet and exercise

By Juan Miret
Hispano de Tulsa

TULSA, Oklahoma – Sara López-Covarrubias, 75, and Adán Maya, 31, are part of the statistics that will be heard in November, which is American Diabetes Month and is focused on prevention. The two are among an estimated 25.8 million people in the United States with diabetes. Of that total, about 11.8 percent are Hispanic, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 22 years ago,” said López-Covarrubias from her home in Broken Arrow. “My vision was blurry and I was constantly thirsty. After going to several doctors, they were able to determine that my sugar was very high.”

López-Covarrubias is not insulin-dependent, which are those afflicted with type 1 diabetes, a type that accounts for about 5 percent of cases, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Genes played a leading role in Maya’s case.

Four years ago he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after checking with a doctor because he felt extremely tired. “My brothers and my sister are diabetics. But I do I take care of myself,” he said during his six-month check-up at Community Health Connection, 9912 E. 21st St. “We have to be careful about our diet and take our medications. And above all, be very active.”

Every day, diabetics must measure their blood’s glucose level. “It does not hurt and it is very easy,” said López-Covarrubias, while showing the digital device that indicates blood sugar. “It is very important. That way I know how everything is going.”

As for food, there are items that are limited, besides those with high sugar content. “Bread and tortillas,” said Maya. “Many people believe that candies are the only things you cannot eat, but that’s not all. There is much more. Everything has to be balanced.

It’s good, …

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