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Merrimack Valley YMCA announces new health & wellness program for Latino families

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LAWRENCE, MA — The Merrimack Valley YMCA was recently awarded a grant through a partnership with the National Latino Children’s Institute and the YMCA of the USA to extend healthy lifestyles outreach to families in the greater Lawrence community.

The grant will allow the Y to launch a new program Salsa, Sabor y Salud (Food, Fun and Fitness), a culture-based program developed by the National Latino Children’s Institute in collaboration with Kraft Foods.

This program focuses on how small changes at home can lead to greater health and well-being for the whole family. The goal of this program is to improve awareness of habits leading to better nutrition and increased physical activity for Latino families with children 12 years and younger. However, as part of the educational process, the entire family is welcomed and asked to participate.

Salsa, Sabor y Salud (Food, Fun and Fitness) celebrates the Latino culture and it is held once a week for eight-weeks, free of charge.

Salsa, Sabor y Salud is led by Merrimack Valley YMCA full-time staff: David Diaz, Lawrence YMCA Health and Wellness Director and Cara Green, Andover/North Andover YMCA Member Advancement Director. These Y staffers were recently trained in Dallas, Texas, by educators from the National Latino Children’s Institute.

David Diaz, who also teaches in the YMCA’s Pre-Diabetes prevention program, is excited to be able to bring this program to our Lawrence community and work with our local families to help families make healthier lifestyle choices.

The first session of Salsa, Sabor y Salud will be held at the Lawrence YMCA beginning Tuesday, August 23, from 5:30 PM to 7:30PM. Ongoing sessions will be added to meet the demand and be offered through the coming year.

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