Latina Lista > Life Issues > Health > New site informs women voters what politicians say about women’s health issues

New site informs women voters what politicians say about women’s health issues

LatinaLista — Fighting for women’s health rights has been an ongoing struggle ever since women got the right to vote. The struggle has gotten even harder these days with politicians, who in their eternal quest to balance the federal budget have put many programs that address women’s health issues on the chopping block.

Too many times, most women don’t even know what some politicians have in mind until the measure has been passed. One new site plans to change that.

Women are Watching is a new site launched by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to alert women voters as to what politicians across the country have in mind when it comes to women’s health issues.

The site also strives to make women as informed as possible on the issues and provides in-depth information so women can make informed choices. The site even provides questions women can use to ask their politicians during Town Hall meetings or Q&A with those who want to represent them.

And these days, no campaign is complete without social media. The campaign is using social media so women can share their stories, help elevate their voices and take an active part in being involved in standing up for their health rights.

“Women care about how politicians are playing politics with women’s health,” said Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “Last spring, when access to lifesaving care, birth control and cancer screenings, were under attack by Congress, Planned Parenthood supporters flocked to social media and spoke out in numerous ways.

“Planned Parenthood signed up more than one million new supporters, who shared their personal stories online, flooded Facebook with the Planned Parenthood petition, and made viral videos in support. That’s why we’ve launched Women are Watching – to give women a place to share their energy and important information regarding what’s at stake in the upcoming election.”

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