Latina Lista > Life Issues > Health > Planned Parenthood creates bilingual tool to help women know if they are pregnant

Planned Parenthood creates bilingual tool to help women know if they are pregnant

LatinaLista — According to the Guttmacher Institute, fifty-four percent of pregnancies among Latinas are unintended. What that means, in addition to the fact that these women are going to be mothers, is that most of them don’t know they are pregnant until they start having symptoms.

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They may have a nagging suspicion but nothing that would warrant spending money on a pregnancy test. Yet, it’s important for women to know if they are pregnant so they can begin taking care of their health.

For that reason, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America created an online tool called “Am I Pregnant?

The widget – named “Am I Pregnant?SM” – asks users a short series of questions in a dynamic interactive format about when they last had sex; if they use birth control and if so, was it used correctly; if the user is trying to get pregnant; and other questions.

Based on each individual’s answers, the online tool helps women determine when to take a pregnancy test.

The interactive tool is available in both English and Spanish.

“Latinas increasingly use technology to meet their health needs, including online tools,” said Destiny Lopez, Director of Latino Engagement for Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “Latinas deserve every opportunity to help them manage their reproductive health and plan their families, and Planned Parenthood is committed to using online tools so that health information is available in a practical and timely fashion.”

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