Latina Lista > Life Issues > Health > Spotlight Non-profit: Offering hope of a better future to victims of domestic violence

Spotlight Non-profit: Offering hope of a better future to victims of domestic violence

LatinaLista — The FBI reports that a woman is beaten every 15 seconds in the country. In fact, domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women from the ages of 15-44.


Around the country there are organizations created to serve as a safe refuge for these battered women. In the Austin, Texas area, there is one called the Hope Alliance.

Hope Alliance began in 1984 as a rape crisis center and evolved over the years to offer other needed services for free to women and families impacted by domestic abuse.

Hope Alliance operates under the belief that physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse of one human being by another is unacceptable. We believe that all abuse diminishes or prohibits the full expression of life and growth that is every person’s right.

Hope Alliance services include a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency shelter, transitional housing, accompaniment services, legal advocacy, counseling, support groups, education and prevention.

In over 25 years of service to their community, Hope Alliance is one of the few organizations that offer women and children the hope to get out of bad situations.

Hope Alliance relies on volunteers and donations to meet a demand that is only increasing.

Hope Alliance has documented a 39 percent increase in the number of victims provided shelter during the last year and, for the last two years, has been forced to make referrals for alternative refuge for 10-15 families each month.

Hope Alliance serves more than 5,000 clients through their core programs each year and
in 2008, the nonprofit provided 9,725 nights of shelter to women and children.

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