Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > When it comes to “going green” Latinos get the message loud and clear

When it comes to “going green” Latinos get the message loud and clear

LatinaLista — A new survey reveals that Latinos have embraced the concept of “going green.” Of all the ethnic groups, Latinos rank the highest when it comes to being in tune to the planet, according to the survey Eco Pulse.


Of course, this same survey revealed that most people buy green products as a way to save money and for their own health, as opposed with buying with the priority of helping the planet. Luckily, that’s a natural consequence of buying green and who wouldn’t take the credit for that?

But the fact remains that Latinos are more aware that “going green” is not only good for the planet but good for themselves and their families:

75 percent of Hispanics are looking for greener products, compared to 61 percent of Caucasians and 57 percent of African Americans.

25 percent said they felt “very personally responsible” to change their daily habits and purchases to positively impact the environment, compared to 13 percent of Caucasian respondents.

58 percent agree global warming is occurring and caused by human activity, compared to 45 percent of Caucasians.

65 percent had conversations with their kids on conservation or an environmental topic, compared to 49 percent of all respondents.


Hispanics were significantly more likely than Caucasians to say they were searching for greener baby products (28% vs. 13%), while Caucasians were significantly more likely than Hispanics to be searching for greener home cleaning products (74% vs. 59%).

Also, another finding of the survey — and one that Latinos deserve an applause for — is when asked what they would do if a company that makes their favorite toilet paper, and had been advertising itself as green, received a government fine for failing emissions standards or for polluting a nearby stream, Latinos outnumbered Anglos in saying that they would stop buying the product and encourage their friends not to buy it either (35% vs. 23%).

Whether it goes back to our indigenous roots that the planet and man’s activities are intertwined, and one impacts the other, or it’s a matter of saving money and being healthier, the inclination to buy green doesn’t look like it’s a fad that will fade anytime soon — not as long as the degradation of the environment can be seen, felt and heard.

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