Latina Lista > Life Issues > New Latina leadership organization keeps ELLA in mind

New Latina leadership organization keeps ELLA in mind

LatinaLista — March is a month where we’re supposed to celebrate the accomplishments of women and how far we’ve come from the days when women were seen as being only good for keeping house, having children and cooking. It was considered absurd for women to hold property in our own names, make contracts or even more laughable, vote. While those times, thankfully, are history, surprisingly, there still exist restrictions on women.

For example, Congress hasn’t passed the Equal Rights Amendment yet, and too few women are appointed, invited or voted into leadership roles in boardrooms across the country.

It’s bad enough being a woman in these circumstances but to be a Latina makes the pursuit of leadership roles doubly difficult. To help Latinas manage their way up the career ladder, consultants, like Latina Lista’s own Latina Cubicle Confidential contributor, Dr. Maria Hernandez, have been on hand to offer advice on how to scale that climb to the top. National Latina business organizations have been formed, along with, general Latina support networks to help Latinas realize their personal and professional goals.

A new site, the ELLA Leadership Institute, combines support networking with professional training, coaching and mentoring to create a 21st Century program meeting the needs of today’s professional Latinas.

Founded by the creator of New Latina, and former Latina Lista contributor, Dr. Angelica Perez-Litwin, PhD, ELLA, which stands for Education, Leadership, Legacy and Alliance, and is the word for “she” in Spanish, is an online professional support group offering a variety of programs taught by Dr. Perez-Litwin and her faculty of well-known executive and leadership consultants.

The programs offered by ELLA range from personalized strategies for success to webinars and tele-mentoring sessions to one-on-one coaching to a seven-month career fellowship program.

Just as importantly, the Ella Leadership Institute connects members with one another so they can compare experiences and share advice with one another, either via online or at off-line planned events.

The institute is even offering a dissertation/research scholarship to a graduate or post-graduate Latina student.

One (1) scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded to an applicant who is conducting or has successfully proposed to conduct research in the areas of career, professional or leadership development, as it pertains to Latinas in the United States.

April 30, 2013 is the deadline for the scholarship application.

Latinas are one of the fastest growing female populations in this country, playing a significant role in the 1.5 trillion dollars purchasing power among U.S. Latinos. As the number of Latinas continues grow, the country’s economic and social growth undeniably depends on the leadership talent of Latinas — ELLA Institute

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