Latina Lista > Life Issues > New site tracks women running for political office

New site tracks women running for political office

LatinaLista — Ever since Michelle Bachman left the GOP presidential field, the remaining candidates have reflected a sad reality in U.S. politics — men are overwhelmingly in the majority, white males at that.

So, when women do decide to jump into the political pool, regardless of political party, it’s a decision that needs to be celebrated by all women. So far, it looks like there will be no women included this time around in the final four for the 2012 run for the White House but there are women running on the state and local levels.

The Center for American Women & Politics at Rutgers University has launched the 2012 Women’s Election Tracker, as part of The 2012 Project, to help all of us stay informed of who the rising women stars are of politics today.

A click on the online map reveals on a state-by-state basis:

  • Current statistics for women in Congress and state legislatures.
  • Open seats created by retirements and term limits.
  • Links to the latest information about women who have filed and won primaries in 2012.

And perhaps most importantly — Filing deadlines and primary dates.

According to The 2012 Project, 15 states have filing deadlines in the month of March and The 2012 Project is all about helping women realize their political dreams.

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