Latina Lista > Life Issues > Money > First Multicultural Women’s Leadership Conference aims to fill leadership gap

First Multicultural Women’s Leadership Conference aims to fill leadership gap

LatinaLista — Multiculturals — the new IT term instead of “minorities” are gaining in force and presence across the country. With the Commander-in-Chief, a multicultural himself, it makes sense that the multicultural community would want to explore ways to fill the existing leadership gap that exists in towns, cities and nationally.

For that reason, Mable Yee of Engage Her, has announced the First Multicultural Women’s Leadership Conference on April 25-26, 2009 in the San Francisco Bay area.
According to Yee:

Men continue to dominate the decision making roles in the three key institutions that influence our nation: corporations, government and media. In order to prepare ourselves for the next generation of leaders, we need to put together plans and strategies to “fill the pipeline” with qualified and competent multicultural men and women to assume the mantle of leadership.

In addition to several national women leaders participating in the event (Gloria Steinem founder of Ms Magazine and Choice USA, Maria Teresa Peterson Executive Director of, Joan Blades Cofounder of &, Elmy Bermejo Chairperson of HOPE & Women’s Foundation of California, Raye Mitchell founder of I C Hope Foundation & Project GURLS), organizers want to select 24 young college or professional women representing multicultural communities to train and run the event.
There is also a call out for Expert Panelists and Team Leaders. Applications for the event are available at the website.

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