Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Latina blog creates special hashtag for readers to join in election day coverage

Latina blog creates special hashtag for readers to join in election day coverage

LatinaLista — There’s some good news and bad news about tomorrow’s presidential election. First, the good news: Once the voting is done and the counting is over, the nation won’t be subjected to another presidential election for another four years.

However, the bad news is — It may not be so easy to declare a winner.

With the polls showing President Obama and former Gov. Romney in a dead heat, some states are already predicting that they will most likely call for a recount if the numbers are too close.

If there are recounts, then it might not be until the next day or later in the week when the nation knows who will be the 45th President of the United States.

Unlike the 2008 election when there was an unprecedented effort to get Obama elected, this election is really up for grabs. The Latino vote is not that secure. The strength of the Tea Party is not really known in how much of an influence it will have in this national election. There is an uncertainty of how many young voters will have the patience to stand in line and cast their votes, and the degree to which Voter ID laws, or uninformed poll workers demanding various forms of ID from voters, will impact votes leaves this election a nail-biter.

It goes without saying that traditional media coverage will be in full force from both the US and abroad. And it should also go without saying that Latina Lista will be too — but not by ourselves.

We invite you to share your observations — what you’re seeing and hearing — on election day with us on Twitter with a special hashtag #Listaelect. We hope to keep a running commentary — via text, photos and video — from all corners of the nation until a winner is announced.

Share with the international readership what people are saying in your communities. What you are seeing on your streets. What your own family members are saying. Did someone not vote? Did they tell you why? What is your local media saying? Did your pet pick a winner?

Tomorrow is the best example of democracy in action — isn’t that reason enough to document what happens?

We hope you think so. See you at #Listaelect bright and early!


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