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Special Mother’s Day video makes mom star of her own movie

LatinaLista — The countdown to Mother’s Day is underway — it’s this Sunday, May 8 — and the number one question most children are asking themselves is: What am I going to give mom?


For those on a tight budget but want a gift that is extra special in showing mom she’s one-of-a-kind, the folks at MomsRising may have the perfect answer — a movie trailer where mom is the star!

MomsRising, a motherhood and family advocacy group, created a video that people can personalize with the name of their special mom. The video serves as a trailer for an upcoming movie where your mom’s name fills in the blank of the movie’s title “Amazing Story of …”

There’s nothing quite like seeing your name flash across a screen, whether it’s big or small. The film highlights mom as someone who stands up for her family, fights for equal justice and is a friend to all. The subtitle should be “Mom, the Superhero!”

The film may be a little cheesy but it’s great fun, and because it doesn’t cost anything, it fits everyone’s budget. Not to mention, who’s to say you can’t have a world premiere by sending out the video to all family and friends to announce your mom really is a star!

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