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Psychics don’t surprise with 2009 predictions

LatinaLista — A tradition as steadfast as toasting the New Year is finding out what psychics predict for the upcoming months. A short round-up of 2009 psychic predictions shows that the future is an adventure waiting to happen.

Psychic Barbara Garcia got the jump on her fellow psychics last month by posting her predictions for 2009 on her blog.
Since most of us may have missed her predictions, Latina Lista is reposting a partial list. To view the full list of predictions, check out Garcia’s blog.
Also, it seems that more and more psychics are embracing the video capability of the internet to post their readings in video format online. Sylvia Browne has already posted her video delivery of her predictions for the New Year while psychic Elizabeth Baron prefers to keep people in suspense until January 15 before she posts her predictions.
At any rate, to get your fix on what the future holds check out these predictions.

Like a breath of fresh air, President Elect Barrack Obama sets a new course for America that promises economic recovery in the years ahead. It won’t all happen in 2009 but rest assured that by the end of the year we will begin to see results and an upward curve in the world economy.
· General Motors continues to struggle through 2009 but will not fold. There will be a reconstruction of their entire corporate infrastructure. Aside from government support, business transactions with another auto maker will benefit everyone in the industry.
· The fastest selling automobiles this year are those Asian models like Nissan, Toyota, and all the new energy saving vehicles. They are rapidly replacing gas guzzlers and by 2010 we will see a whole new crop of amazing machines.
· Businesses in the area of natural energy such as wind, solar, geothermal energy, renewable and recycling are all productive and prosperous this year. Businesses associated with these areas will also benefit.
· New environmentally friendly building materials introduced this year meet with financial skepticism but will replace old and current materials successfully in the near future.
· Mortgage rates are lowered this year and the housing market begins to rebound.
· The US dollar begins to gain strength in the spring and a slight drop in gold is in sight.

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