Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > HipGive Crowdfunder: Fulfilling DREAMers’ dreams of going to college

HipGive Crowdfunder: Fulfilling DREAMers’ dreams of going to college

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Campaign: Support College Access Para Todos!

Every year, 65,000 undocumented youth graduate from high school in the US. Only 5% of those youth go on to college. Hispanic student graduation rates are among the lowest in North Carolina, with ESL students graduating at the lowest rates among all groups.

College Access Para Todos (CAPT) engages Hispanic youth in taking control of their college path by equipping them with the information and the resources to make their college dreams come true.

Beyond helping students realize their educational dreams, CAPT engages these youth in advocating for their own needs by training teachers and counselors about the needs of immigrant youth and advocating for meaningful policy change at the state level.

Since 2011, CAPT has served the North Carolina region’s immigrant students to help overcome the economic, cultural and systemic barriers that prevent them from achieving their educational goals.

Currently, undocumented students in NC are unable to receive federal/state financial aid, qualify for government subsidized loans or in-state tuition – leaving college out of reach for thousands of students.

CAPT, through weekly workshops, individual case management, and training of counselors and educators, provides the tools needed to create pathways to higher education for all young people.

The program provides services to more than 150 students annually – working with them to create action plans for their future, and engaging them in training their teachers and school administrators and counselors on how they can support immigrant students.

Furthermore, students work in tandem with the organization’s Advocacy Department to organize their community to change education policies at the state level – multiplying efforts to affect all undocumented students in North Carolina.

The campaign’s goal is $12,000 and ends in 15 days.

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