Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Government > Does white America suffer from both inferiority and superiority complexes?

Does white America suffer from both inferiority and superiority complexes?

LatinaLista — Come November, Floridians will vote to eradicate a provision of their State Constitution that went into effect in 1926. It’s called the “Alien Land Law” and it prohibits anyone ineligible for citizenship from owning property.
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It was directed squarely at Asian immigrants. Proponents for wanting to get rid of the archaic law say that the language used to define who is ineligible is entirely based on race and therefore is “patently unconstitutional” and as such, repulsive to current-day Floridians.
In describing why the law was passed in the first place, Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller, D-Hallandale Beach, said that at that time white America had both “an inferiority complex and a superiority complex” about Asian immigrants.
Eighty-two years later, it’s sad to see that little has changed and that white America still wrestles with both ends of the complex spectrum.
The question that needs to be asked is “Why?”

Today’s critics of illegal immigration are quick to say that they are not opposed to LEGAL immigrants, just those who “cut in line.”
But is that true?
It’s true for all the people who prefer to parrot the arguments of just a few organizations and online sites that have made it their mission to derail any kind of immigration reform at the federal level and in essence prolong and exacerbate what is happening in cities and towns across the nation with worksite raids, home invasions, street arrests and family separations in the name of immigration enforcement.
But when we look closely at these organizations that tout themselves to be neutral and only interested in the welfare of the country, and whom traditional media constantly cites as credible sources and therefore legitimizes their voices in the greater immigration debate, we see that their agenda is far more reaching than on just those who “cut in line.”
An analysis of each site usually reveals a site built on a foundation of fear — fear of too many immigrants, fear of too many low-skilled laborers, fear of too many Hispanics.
In justifying their fear, their proposals to address it include the kinds of things we’re seeing now: worksite raids and traffic detainments that are meant to intimidate people, both citizens and non-citizens; support of the construction of a border wall so as to physically separate us from countries to the south and the complete disregard for basic morality when it comes to immigrant Hispanic families by supporting the separation of parents from children and the deportation of children by themselves to Mexico.
Never once at these sites does a visitor get the impression that these organizations want to work with the federal government in passing legislation that truly addresses the moral deficiencies in practice today and create a policy that would realistically address the physical logistics and emotional and physical well-being of the millions of undocumented immigrant men, women and children who are here. Not to mention, create a long-lasting policy that would ensure that our economy doesn’t falter for a lack of workers in the future and those future immigrant arrivals wouldn’t feel that they are trapped in the United States with no alternative but to stay.
In fact, it’s this duo inferiority and superiority complexes that have created the problem we have today with illegal immigration.
It’s time to strike a healthy middle ground and realize that true change is only going to happen at the federal level with laws that impel everyone to be of the same mind in looking at immigration.

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  • Thomas
    August 18, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    The more you keep posting about white America. The more I suspect your just a racist that shouts brown power.

  • Jeff
    August 18, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    As a white male, I can tell you that white supremacist attitudes still exist. I hear phrases like “smelly Hispanics” or “dumb Mexican” many times before. Well, the biggest fear in the life of a white male has is that he’ll end up working for and reporting to a Mexican woman! Because he might find out that she not only smells nice but is a lot smarter than he is. Well, we must overcome our fears. We should end the immigrant scapegoating and date and marry each other. I used to be anti-immigrant but did some research and learned that we will need a lot more Hispanic immigrants to help pay for social security. “Super Mexicans” are everyday super heroes and I see them working hard everyday. Super Latinas have the brains, braun, beauty and moxy to fight bigots and make white males admit brown is beautiful, and smart.

  • Frank
    August 18, 2008 at 9:33 pm

    This is about “illegal Immigration” from ANYWHERE and for many reasons. You talk about fear. Well, duh when millions and millions of illegal aliens are here from mostly one ethnic group, you don’t think that that is reason to “fear” for many reasons? Especially when their legal counterparts in this country are cheering them on to increase their numbers. What would be the outcome of that? A numerical, cutural and political takeover! Well silly us, why are we fearing, right? No country in its right mind wants a total demographic shift in their country particularly from illegal immigration!
    We don’t need CIR, at least not the kind that Latinos are pushing for in this country. What we need to do is secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.
    The seperation of families where brought on by the violators of our immigration laws. They are accountable for their own deeds. It is ridiculous to blame our country for their misdeeds and the ultimate consequences that have to be paid. Our economy will do just fine. We survived with massive illegal immigration before and our economy didn’t collapse.
    Jeff, you’re taking a small example of Americans making deragatory remarks about Mexicans and sterotyping us all. Why just mention whites anyway. Do you think the Blacks and the Asians in this country want these illegals here? White supremists are only a small minority in this country. I have no problem with the races intermarrying but this has nothing to do with illegal immigration. Most people are not anti-immigrant either, they are anti-illegal alien.
    No we don’t need Hispanic immigrants nor any other kind to support our SS system. That is nothing but BS! We need to get pass this one baby boomer generation and stabilize our population growth, not increase it.
    What kind of statement is “brown is beautiful, brown is smart”? For one thing most of these ilegal aliens are undeducated and brown isn’t necessarily beautiful just as white or black isn’t necessarily beautiful. There are homely people in all races. What are you one of these bleeding heart liberals now suffering from white guilt? I suggest you get therapy and start respecting the laws of this country.

  • Evelyn
    August 19, 2008 at 12:03 am

    Thomas said:
    The more you keep posting about white America. The more I suspect your just a racist that shouts brown power
    The more fear of TRUTH you show is just proof of what I’ve been saying all along, there are many people who dont like to speak, see or hear TRUTH about white America.
    Anyone who speaks Truth is labeled racist, American hater or hater of whites. That is because white Americans are used to hearing lies making up lies and seeing the whitewashing of anything bad about white America. It must be shocking to encounter people who only deal with Truth.
    American History X
    By Jake Rudnitsky
    A couple of weeks ago, the Chicago Tribune ran a typical see-the-bad-Russkiis article, “Omitting the Past’s Darker Chapters,” about a new Russian high school textbook that allegedly whitewashes Russia’s recent history to instill a sense of patriotism in students. The article, penned by Alex Rodriguez, slammed a new textbook called History of Russia and the World in the 20th Century by Nikita Zagladin because it skips over some of the darkest moments of Russia’s often-pitch-black experience.
    Rodriguez might have even gotten away with it, except for the fact that I’ve spent the last six months in Massachusetts buying and selling used American textbooks. After being re-exposed to the crap we pass off as history, A-Rod’s article had me itching to defend Russia’s collective honor with a resounding “u nas ne khuzhe.” For once Russians’ knee-jerk accusation of American hypocrisy is on-target.
    You’d think that if there’s one area American would be too ashamed to criticize others, it’d be textbooks. This is a country that teaches that “Intelligent Design,” a euphemism for medieval Creationism, is a legitimate intellectual alternative to the theory of evolution! Kids in Kansas actually learn in their biology books that some Being who may have had a son who died on the cross created a fully formed world some five thousand years ago.
    I don’t doubt it’s true that Zagladin’s book offers a somewhat skewed version of Russian history… for the 0.0001 percent of Russian school kids who get new history books. For the rest, however, history is taught using books steeped in class warfare and that end with florid descriptions of Brezhnev-era economic glory, which was the last time the state could afford luxuries like new books.
    But just for comparison, let’s turn for a minute to American history books. I’d always assumed that the reason more than 50 percent of American seniors can’t identify — in a multiple choice test — the Soviet Union as a WWII ally was that they’re stupid. They may be, but even if they read the whole WWII section of Hold, Rinehart and Winston’s The American Nation, a standard high school textbook, they still might be fuzzy on that historical detail. The Russians aren’t mentioned in the “Victory in Europe” section until the final sub-section. After discussing fighting in North Africa, Italy, Operation Overlord, and the Battle of the Bulge, the book reads, “By then, Soviet troops occupied much of Eastern Europe.” It’s like giving the Brits credit for beating Saddam, then as an afterthought mentioning that the Americans were in possession of the other 95% of Iraq.
    If our textbooks are so hesitant to give our WW2 ally a little credit in a righteous war, just imagine how squeamish they get once America starts fucking shit up big-time. I get the feeling textbook editors wished that Latin America just didn’t even exist, because it’s so hard to spin everything we did down there.
    Miraculously, both books I checked out (The American Nation and Prentice Hall’s America Pathways to the Present) mention that the CIA helped overthrow Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in 1954. But they ignore the aftermath of that coup, which is the real story. We installed a military junta that over next forty years used US-trained death squads to kill at least 100,000 Guatemalans. No word of that.
    The Bay of Pigs gets written about because it’s so infamous, and also because the death toll was so low, but our other, far more successfully bloody Latin American exploits don’t get any mention at all. There’s nothing about training paramilitaries and death squads, and inciting pro-oligarch civil wars in Nicaragua, El Salvador or Columbia which have left hundreds of thousands dead. None of our government’s gun-running shenanigans in Central America are talked about at all.
    It’s something of a pattern in these textbooks, and it turns up in their treatment of Vietnam as well. Among the many glaring omissions is, once again, a body count: no mention of the 3 million Vietnamese we killed, mostly civilians.
    The most obvious whitewashing concerns the American textbooks’ treatment of the bombing of Laos at the height of the Vietnam War. The American Nation mentions that a few stray bombs might have landed there, while America doesn’t even go that far. In other words, they neglect to mention that we dropped 7 million tons of bombs, flew a sortie every 8 minutes for 10 years, and exterminated at least 10 percent of Laos’ population, in spite of the fact that we were never even at undeclared war with that country’s people.
    On the other hand, you just might get the impression that My Lai is the worst thing that happened in the war, since the famous massacre is discussed in both texts, albeit in a forgiving tone. America, in its lead-up to My Lai, writes things like “American soldiers were… unable to tell friendly South Vietnamese peasants from Viet Cong soldiers waiting for an opportunity to attack them” and “A child peddling candy might be concealing a live grenade.” Finally, in describing the events that day, it writes, “The American troops already had suffered heavy combat losses… Some lost control.” In other words, heck, can ya blame ’em for rounding up 500 women and children and shooting them in a pit? Jeez, they’re only human!
    Zagladin probably wrote about the purges the same way. After all, there were plenty of wreckers and foreign agents messing things up in the Soviet Union. It’s understandable how things got a little out of hand. But he can’t do that — he’s a Russian, and when Russians whitewash, we all know what that means: Stalin is back.
    When the Russians omit dark chapters in their history, it’s concrete evidence that they’re all just a bunch of evil commies deep down. But when America omits its slaughters and whitewashes its genocides, not only does it not point to something significant, but rather, you better not even talk about the whitewashing because it doesn’t exist. And if you complain about it, you’ll just be called an anti-American commie bastard. You know, as in the type of guy who would write a textbook whitewashing his country’s dark past…

  • Thomas
    August 19, 2008 at 10:58 am

    Funny how you mention that anybody who speaks truth is labeled a racist Evelyn. We Americans have spoken the truth about illegal Imiigration and got shouted down as racist. Don’t you think when in Phoenix a lot of latinos hitting a pinata of Sheriff Joe looked bad. It was a bunch of brown people beating up on a white man pinata. You desecrate our Vietnam memorial with the words kill white people. I’m half white woman. I’m also half latino but I’m American. My family came here the legal way. 3rd generation American. We don’t need law breakers. We don’t need ms-13. We don’t need a possible civil war. Why don’t you people all go home and fix your country while we bury our dead that the invaders have killed?

  • Frank
    August 19, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    She claims it is only the racist whites she hates and yet clearly in her statements about whites she is including the whole white race in her deragatory comments. She hides behind her so-called compassion for illegals aliens to hide her total and complete hatred of the white race no matter what their immigration views are. Her words are right there for everyone to read and cannot be denied.

  • Texano78704
    August 19, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Speaking of American History X… there is a movie by that name in which white supremacy is the theme. I find it interesting that there are parallels between the language of the white supremacists in the movie and the posters to this site that promote “cultural supremacy.”
    We should fear “millions and millions… from mostly one ethnic group?” Like the European Americans in this country?
    “No country in its right mind wants a total demographic shift in their country particularly from illegal immigration!”
    Would it really be as extreme as you say it would be? Of course not. You are just “fear mongering.”

  • anonymous
    August 19, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    I speak as a white man (ever notice white men have a hard time saying that, they’ll say white male) and I feel like I’m playing on a team that snicker and joke and share comments on how they truly feel about the other races behind closed doors. But yet when we get out in the open, “Oh I’m not racist, I love all ppl.” But hey, I’m willing to be that ALL races do the same thing, that’s human nature. It’s those true racist idiots who share those feelings out in the open

  • Frank
    August 19, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    Texano, no I am not fear mongering. Hispanics are projected to be the majority in this country eventually and it will mostly be due to illegal immigration and the children the produce while here. Why is it ok for Mexicans to want to remain a Latino country but not ok for a predominantly white country to want to remain Anglo in culture and in numbers?
    Everywhere you go things are printed in Spanish now and employment ads are saying bilingual only need apply. It is on its way, Texano you just refuse to admit it. It isn’t about supremacy anymore than it is about supremacy for Mexico to want to remain Mexican!

  • Evelyn
    August 19, 2008 at 10:45 pm

    Thomas said:
    Funny how you mention that anybody who speaks truth is labeled a racist Evelyn.
    We Americans have spoken the truth about illegal Imiigration and got shouted down as racist.
    TRUTH ABOUT IMMIGRATION??? You wouldent know the truth if it smacked you in the face.
    Your statement above shows that. Your statement about me and MS13 ALSO shows that.
    Both are lies!
    The reason you get called racist, is because all the reasons you use as proof that Hispanic Immigrants are bad for this country and therefore shouldn’t be here ARE LIES! THAT IS RACISM!
    When someone uses lies to demonize a group of people to instigate hate they show they are racist.
    Don’t you think when in Phoenix a lot of latinos hitting a pinata of Sheriff Joe looked bad. It was a bunch of brown people beating up on a white man pinata.
    Of course I do I think that was terrible. Too bad they couldn’t take Arpayaso the creature in flesh and tar and feather him in the public square.
    Make an example out of him to show all law enforcement officers that just because they enforce the law, they are not allowed to break it without being punished.
    “Rule of law” should be applied in full force here, where it really counts, not to someone trying to feed their children.
    Too bad they had to use a pinata!
    You desecrate our Vietnam memorial with the words kill white people.
    You dont even know me to accuse me of such a crime.
    If you are refering to the following article. My name isn’t mentioned. They think MS13 a gang just as bad as the minutemen or any of the other hate gangs mimicking the KKK did it. All racist gangs should be thrown in the ocean to feed the sharks. The creatures stupid enough to join them take up space and waste oxygen.
    Vandals claiming a relationship to the violent Hispanic street gang MS-13 from El Salvador defaced a Vietnam War memorial in Connecticut with graffiti, angering local veterans.
    “Kill whites MS 13” were among the threatening words spray-painted on the Vietnam War Memorial at Long Wharf, Conn., reported WTNH-TV in New Haven.
    “This irks me. This hurts me deep to my heart,” Vietnam Army veteran Emery Linton Sr. told the station.
    Linton, who served in Vietnam from 1969 to 1972, noted he lost friends there and called the mess on the memorial a slap in the face to veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
    “People here respect these names. They gave their lives for everything, for the freedoms they have,” Linton said.
    Police are investigating whether the vandalism is the work of the violent MS-13 gang
    My family came here the legal way. 3rd generation American. We don’t need law breakers. We don’t need ms-13. We don’t need a possible civil war. Why don’t you people all go home and fix your country while we bury our dead that the invaders have killed?
    BTW this is MY country!
    When you clean your own house by doing something to rid our country of racism shown by people of the same white race you belong to, and help rid our country of the dispicable Latino gangs like MS13 on your Latino side, then I might take you seriously about going home.
    You are right though, it has been too long, and I am due for a visit to the beautiful Native American reservation here in the U.S. nestled high up in the mountains that I have always considered my home.
    I am doing something to rid my country of racism by exposing racist, who are brown like you or white like others on this forum, while you show hate for your own race. So sad.

  • Evelyn
    August 20, 2008 at 3:35 am

    Frank said:
    This is about “illegal Immigration” from ANYWHERE and for many reasons. You talk about fear. Well, duh when millions and millions of illegal aliens are here from mostly one ethnic group, you don’t think that that is reason to “fear” for many reasons? Especially when their legal counterparts in this country are cheering them on to increase their numbers. What would be the outcome of that? A numerical, cutural and political takeover! Well silly us, why are we fearing, right? No country in its right mind wants a total demographic shift in their country particularly from illegal immigration!
    CONGRATULATIONS, I bet you feel better already! This is the first time I have seen you tell TRUTH. I must say I am impressed.
    This proves that I was right all along. It had nothing to do with “Rule Of Law” or the 25 lies made up by racists to demonize Hispanics. It was always fear.
    All of these lies, are made up by people using fear-mongering who trap people like you into believing them.
    1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.
    2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
    3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
    4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally.
    5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
    6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
    7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
    8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
    9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
    10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that’s two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States.
    11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report:
    12. The National Policy Institute, “estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.”
    13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
    14. “The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States”.
    15. Every day 12 Americans are murdered by an illegal alien. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and Eight American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by an illegal alien each day! (Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.)
    16. Today, criminal aliens account for over 29 percent of prisoners in Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities and a higher share of all federal prison inmates. These prisoners represent the fastest growing segment of the federal prison population. Incarceration of criminal aliens cost an estimated $624 million to state prisons (1999) and $891 million to federal prisons (2002), according to the most recent available figure from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
    17. “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine”. “Many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American Medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue and Chagas disease.” The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
    18. In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group. Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men. Source (CDC):
    19. If enacted the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S. 2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years – fully one-third of the current population of the United States.
    20. U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) today unveiled an impact analysis that shows the Senate immigration bill – should it become law – would permit up to 217.1 million new legal immigrants into the United States over the next 20 years, a number equal to 66 percent of the total current population.
    21. The number of illegal immigrants in the United States may be as high as 20 million people, more than double the official 9 million people estimated by the Census Bureau. 1/3/05
    22. Cases of Leprosy on The Rise In The U.S., The New York Times. “While there were some 900 recorded cases in the United States 40 years ago, today more than 7,000 people have leprosy..” Leprosy is an airbourne virus, it can also be spread by touching and coughing.
    23. Organizations Protesting Immigration Reform, State by State. Won’t you join in?
    24. America Welcomes Illegal’s Contagious Disease.
    25. Mexico is the 4th Richest Oil Nation in the World.
    It was always FEAR.
    Xenophobia is fear of other people who are different from ourselves.
    Racism is caused by fear and Ignorance of other people who are different from ourselves.
    1. Fear of loss and displacement: Seeking to protect our own kind means we fear any loss of what we already have and what makes us who we are: whether it’s our jobs, our status, territory, possessions, personal significance and even our being. We fear being replaced by others, especially in a relationship, by anyone perceived to be much more appealing and desirable than we are. When that person is from another race, it simply confirms our unworthiness and adds insult to injury. Fear is the biggest cause of racism in our world, especially irrational fear of difference and loss, which tends to see any difference as both threatening and undeserving of what we regard as our right.
    2. Ignorance: When we know better we can act better, especially if we have the confidence to put that knowledge into action. But what keeps racism going in a vicious circle is ignorance of the worst kind. If we grow up doing a particular thing, and everyone else around us does it too, we come to believe it is right, no mater how morally reprehensible it could be to another person who does not share our culture and outlook. We will not see anything wrong with our actions because those acts would be validated by everyone else like us. The only change will come through education and awareness of why those actions might not be appropriate, the consequences they carry for others as well as the alternatives that are available. Until people who know no better undergo an educative process around racism, ignorance will always keep racism thriving, especially among those who have no desire to act differently.
    Your post proves without a shadow of doubt what I always stated. You are racist.

  • Evelyn
    August 20, 2008 at 3:57 am

    Frank :said
    She claims it is only the racist whites she hates
    That is a lie. I have stated it is racism I hate and will fight against. I dont hate racists no matter what color they are and I have stated many times racists come in all colors. I pity them.
    Her words are right there for everyone to read and cannot be denied.
    That is true, my words are on display for everyone to read and make their own decision.
    The articles I post written by other people that show the harshness of our governments policies, or the whitewashing of our history, or any of the other issues like racism, wars, are based on facts.
    Anyone who thinks an article or issue is false, feel free to debunk them. Always include credable proof.

  • Frank
    August 20, 2008 at 9:17 pm

    No, the lie is you trying to back peddle now and claim that you haven’t demonized all white people with your statements. You are correct, it is all right there for everyone to read.

  • Evelyn
    August 22, 2008 at 11:19 am

    I will repeat, if anyone thinks articles I post written by other people or by me that show the harshness of our governments policies, or the whitewashing of our history, or any of the other issues like racism, wars, are not based on facts, please feel free to debate or debunk them. Please show credable proof from a non racist site.
    Calling me names for posting TRUTH shows you are desperate and out of anything credable to debate or debunk issues, because your theories on Hispanics and Hispanic immigrants are based on racism.

  • Liquidmicro
    August 22, 2008 at 6:13 pm

    The articles you post, Evelyn, are nothing more than others mere opinions, they are neither truth nor fact, only there interpretation, same as anybody else’s. The only time facts are actually posted are within some of the reports that have been posted. Truth only lies in the eye of the beholder. Calling your postings ‘truth’ is a stretch, same as calling others opinions/theories based on racism is a stretch, it only shows your inability to argue others points which doesn’t make you out to be credible at all.

  • Thomas
    August 22, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Your ranting now. Look how defensive you have become. Admit it girl. Your prejudice towards white people. Why have a political org like La Raza. La Raza which means the race in spanish. Look what happen to Los Angeles. Look at the black community there. They get killed by latino gangs based on their skin color. The boy Shaw. He wasn’t the first kid killed by latino gangs. There are others as well. Whjats is happening in Los Angeles is pretty much a genocide. Driving other people away because they don’t match the same skin color. Its no wonder that city is in the gutter. It wasn’t the first time that city’s sanctuary policy lead to such tragedy. The serial rapist in phoenix was in a Los Angeles jail. Never deported and commited rapes in Phoenix on many young girls.

  • Frank
    August 22, 2008 at 11:59 pm

    It isn’t the articles posted that we are talking about. It is one’s OWN remarks calling others in here racists and demonizing the whole white race of people living in this country TODAY. Those articles have nothing to do with the members of this blog either.
    There are no particular theories about Hispanics legal or otherwise in this blog. The argument is the rule of law.
    Past history whitewashed or not has nothing to do with the immigration issues of TODAY.

  • Evelyn
    August 24, 2008 at 1:04 am

    Liquidmicro said:
    The articles you post, Evelyn, are nothing more than others mere opinions, they are neither truth nor fact, only there interpretation, same as anybody else’s. The only time facts are actually posted are within some of the reports that have been posted. Truth only lies in the eye of the beholder. Calling your postings ‘truth’ is a stretch, same as calling others opinions/theories based on racism is a stretch, it only shows your inability to argue others points which doesn’t make you out to be credible at all.
    I choose to post through other people because it stopped the racists here from telling me I was crazy and the only one in America that had those “views” even though my posts were based on facts.
    If you feel that what you call “OTHERS MEAR OPENION” and “VIEWS” are not based on fact, I will remind you again, DEBUNK THEM! With credable proof from a credable non racist source.
    The fact that attack me (to refocus) and you choose not to debunk those issues, only shows your inability to argue others points which doesn’t make you out to be credible at all! LOL!

  • Evelyn
    August 24, 2008 at 2:17 am

    You’re ranting now. Look how defensive you have become.
    Admit it boy. You’re prejudice towards Hispanics.
    You ask,”Why have a political org like La Raza.”
    You lie and say “La Raza means the race in spanish.”
    You say “Look what happen to Los Angeles.”
    You say “Look at the black community there. They get killed by Latino gangs based on their skin color. The boy Shaw. He wasn’t the first kid killed by Latino gangs.” You say “There are others as well.”
    You say
    “Whjats is happening in Los Angeles is pretty much a genocide.”
    (Show proof of the study that came to that determination. Please.)
    You say “Driving other people away because they don’t match the same skin color. Its no wonder that city is in the gutter.” You say “It wasn’t the first time that city’s sanctuary policy lead to such tragedy. The serial rapist in phoenix was in a Los Angeles jail. Never deported and commited rapes in Phoenix on many young girls.”
    It seems you are so bigoted and racist you are willing to lie and blame all problems in Los Angeles on Latinos.
    I hear California is the state with the highest population of Latinos.
    Do you also blame them for the fact that California’s GDP is higher then the following countries?
    11 California 764
    12 CSA 760
    13 Russia 721
    14 Spain 515
    15 Korea (S) 508
    16 Texas 398
    17 Iran 310
    18 Turkey 305
    19 New England 296
    20 Australia 284
    I suppose the TRUTH is Latinos are not the only ones committing crimes in California.
    Here are FACTS and the TRUTH! As alwayse feel free to debunk them!
    THE CLAIM: Undocumented immigrants are more criminal than natives.
    THE PURVEYORS: Dan Stein, executive director of the supposedly mainstream immigration restriction organization Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), claimed in a March 8 press release that illegal immigration poses “a real and documentable risk” to Americans. “Illegal aliens are more prone to criminal activity than the rest of the population,” Stein said. Twenty-three days later, Jim Gilchrist, co-founder of the vigilante Minuteman Project, told an audience that it was “okay to say ‘rapist,’ ‘robber’ and ‘murderer'” when describing “illegal aliens.”
    THE FACTS: Several studies refute the notion of relatively high criminality among Latino immigrants (the vast majority of today’s immigrants). Ramiro Martinez Jr., a criminal justice professor at Florida Atlantic University who’s spent years studying homicide statistics in U.S. border cities heavily populated by Mexican-born men and women, found the homicide rates were significantly lower for Latinos there than for other groups — even though the Latinos’ poverty level was very high, and poverty and criminality are closely correlated statistically. Criminologist Andrew Karmen, in his 2006 book New York Murder Mystery, found the same trend in New York City, where the “disproportionately youthful, male and poor immigrants” of the last two decades “were surprisingly law abiding.” Robert J. Sampson, chairman of Harvard’s sociology department, reported in a 2005 article in The American Journal of Health that the rate of violence among Mexican Americans was significantly lower than among non-Latino white and black Americans. Remarkably, studies by sociologists Alejandro Portes and Ruben Rumbaut also show that second- and third-generation immigrants commit significantly more crimes than their parents, suggesting that U.S. culture somehow eventually produces more, not less, criminality among its citizens.

  • Evelyn
    August 24, 2008 at 2:47 am

    Frank :
    It isn’t the articles posted that we are talking about. It is one’s OWN remarks calling others in here racists and demonizing the whole white race
    Historians write of actions of white people and the way they have have demonized themselves.
    The atrocities they have comitted around the world which continue today demonize them.
    I only act as the messenger so these atrocities will not continue, or start again.
    of people living in this country TODAY. Those articles have nothing to do with the members of this blog either.
    There are no particular theories about Hispanics legal or otherwise in this blog. The argument is the rule of law.
    Past history whitewashed or not has nothing to do with the immigration issues of TODAY.
    Every thing you say is based on racism.
    By admitting it is FEAR that drives your sentiment, you admitted you are racist.
    quote “You talk about fear. Well, duh when millions and millions of illegal aliens are here from mostly one ethnic group, you don’t think that that is reason to “fear” for many reasons? Especially when their legal counterparts in this country are cheering them on to increase their numbers. What would be the outcome of that? A numerical, cutural and political takeover! Well silly us, why are we fearing, right?”

  • Frank
    August 25, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    Yes, but historians have also pointed out the atrocities of other races also! Whites are not the only group of people guilty of bad things. The real problem arises when one brings past atrocities about a certain race from the past into the present and continues to demonize them even if they played no part in that past. There is no need to bring up the past. Whites and other races are well aware of past history. To suggest that they have to have a constant reminder about it so that they themselves don’t do the same is saying that they are too stupid to think for themselves and already putting suspicion on them. That isn’t fair at all!
    I knew you couldn’t go one post without accusing me of racism. Why is it not racist for Hispanics to want to cling to their cultures in their countries and remain the majority in them but not white people? Especially if this occurs through illegal immigration? You had better look up the word “racism” you have misused it so many times it is pathetic. Racists think their group is superior. I do not think that whites are superior just that they have every bit of a right to retain their culture and their numbers in country’s that they are the majority just as Hispanics do in theirs!

  • Evelyn
    August 26, 2008 at 7:26 am

    Frank :said
    Yes, but historians have also pointed out the atrocities of other races also! Whites are not the only group of people guilty of bad things.
    I have stated many times that racists are Hispanics also. The racist hate group that is a spin off of FAIR called “You Dont Speak For Me” is a perfect example of this.
    The reason I focus on the atrocities comitted by Europeans is because they are the only people who invaded America and comitted all those crimes that involved the indigenous people of America.
    The real problem arises when one brings past atrocities about a certain race from the past into the present and continues to demonize them even if they played no part in that past.
    We learn from our mistakes.
    If people in the present are trying to repeat the mistakes of the past they must be reminded that that behavior is not acceptable. Never again!
    You say the descendants have nothing to do with those who comitted those atrocities in the past.
    You are wrong. Those atrocities have allowed the descendants of those perpetrating the crimes be born on land that belonged to others, own that land, their children get to attend the best schools, they have the best jobs, they have privileges that others who stayed behind in their motherland dont enjoy.
    Along with these privileges come responsibility.
    They should be willing to share with the original inhabitants of this land and care for the land the water and the air that we breath.
    Obviously this hasent happened. When people ignore their responsibility there are consequences.
    That, and the fact that they dont think today’s immigrants should be given the same treatment as their immigrant forefathers.
    The fact that they want to treat the immigrants of today the same way their forefathers did, makes them responsible to try and make right the sins comitted by their forefathers.
    All of this came at the expense of the indigenous people, the original first peoples of this land.
    The reservations that they supposedly own belong to the community.
    Individual Indians are not allowed to own land on reservations, but white people can.
    Indigenous people dont get to go to the best schools, they dont have the best jobs, they dont eat the beat foods, they dont live in the best houses.
    Do you think it is by choice?
    If the descendants of the people who comitted those atrocities were not here the indigenous people would not be oppressed like they are.
    There is no need to bring up the past. Whites and other races are well aware of past history. To suggest that they have to have a constant reminder about it so that they themselves don’t do the same is saying that they are too stupid to think for themselves and already putting suspicion on them. That isn’t fair at all!
    Are they well aware?
    Are they too stupid to think for themselves.
    I know of many who parrot the hate speech of others. What about Tantons puppets (followers)?
    Why do they use lies to demonize the Hispanic immigrants who are more indigenous then European so others will hate them and they will be forced to leave?
    I dont think they have learned anything. Thay think we still live in the fifties or sixties when this behavior was tolerated.
    I knew you couldn’t go one post without accusing me of racism. Why is it not racist for Hispanics to want to cling to their cultures in their countries and remain the majority in them but not white people? Especially if this occurs through illegal immigration?
    If you are insinuating that Hispanics do not assimilate you are wrong.
    Recent arrivals are the same as the recent arrivals from Europe but within the second generation they dont even speak the language of the country their grandparents came from.
    Here is an excerpt from a book describing recent arrivals from Europe.
    “Immigrants, of course, were nothing new to New York. Since its founding in 1624 as a Dutch colony, the city attracted people from around the world: Dutch merchants, English craftsmen, Portuguese Jews, enslaved Africans. One early visitor counted more than 18 languages on a walk up Broadway.
    But this latest wave of immigrants was different. So many were coming, and they were coming so fast. Between 1847 and 1860, more than 2.5 million immigrants flowed through the city. Most headed elsewhere. But hundreds of thousands stayed in New York, changing the city forever.
    The immigrants settled in separate neighborhoods. They built their own churches and opened businesses that sold goods they brought with them from the “old country.” Some formed gangs to protect themselves from people of other nationalities.”
    You had better look up the word “racism” you have misused it so many times it is pathetic. Racists think their group is superior. I do not think that whites are superior just that they have every bit of a right to retain their culture and their numbers in country’s that they are the majority just as Hispanics do in theirs!
    Why do you think they should retain their numbers and be the majority? There has to be a reason why.
    Racism means any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, religion,descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. ‘[1]
    Some sociologists have defined racism as a system of group privilege. In Portraits of White Racism David Wellman (1993) has defined racism as “culturally sanctioned beliefs, which, regardless of intentions involved, defend the advantages whites have because of the subordinated position of racial minorities
    This is a perfect example of racism.
    “You talk about fear. Well, duh when millions and millions of illegal aliens are here from mostly one ethnic group, you don’t think that that is reason to “fear” for many reasons? Especially when their legal counterparts in this country are cheering them on to increase their numbers. What would be the outcome of that? A numerical, cutural and political takeover! Well silly us, why are we fearing, right?”

  • Frank
    August 26, 2008 at 3:34 pm

    Oh, I don’t know, why do the Mexicans want to retain their culture and language in their own county, how about Japan, China, Italy, France? The list is endless of countries with a dominant society and culture and that don’t want to lose them through illegal immigration! Are they all racists?
    There is no way in anyone’s logical mind that China for example would remain the same county if the Germans moved in and took over demographically and numerically. But then I am not talking to someone with a logical mind only with an agenda!

  • Thomas
    August 27, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    So the Latino activist group you don’t speak for me is a racist group because they want enforement of US laws? Lady your nuts and your posts have proven your a racist. Get a life will myou. What I said about los angeles is the truth and not just in L.A but in San Francisco. The city is being sued by the county and the Bologna family for their sanctuary policies. Look at the crime commited on the Bolonga family. That illegal was protected by the city and destroyed a family. The mayor has blood on his hands and now wants to run the state. How many more woman? How many more we have to bury? Enough is enough.

  • Evelyn
    August 31, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    So the Latino activist group you don’t speak for me is a racist group
    YES, if the most prestigious organization that tracks hate groups (SPLC) and is often called to court by law enforcement FBI to testify against these groups says so, that is good enough for me.
    From SPLC
    In truth, YDSFM’s representation is grossly inauthentic.
    American nativists, YDSFM is wholly engineered and funded by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a rich and powerful hate group with slick nationwide operations. The groups were formed to deflect accusations of white racism.
    As YDSFM Executive Director Miguel Cruz told The Record newspaper in Hackensack, N.J.: “Yes, the coalition is FAIR’s creation… . They tell us there’s a press conference, and they finance the travel and other expenses.”
    Lady your nuts
    Thats what some men tell women who are more intelligent then them. It’s called an ‘inferiority complex.’
    Get a life will you!
    Enough is enough!

  • Ridgerunner
    November 3, 2008 at 12:38 am

    You kick a dog often enough he will bite you.

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