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June 4, 2020

Cracks in the GOP force field protecting Trump from criticism, fact-checks and the truth are deepening. More Republicans, appalled at his use of force against peacefully protesting Americans and his volatile, divisive race-baiting rhetoric, are speaking out. Former U.S….


March 27, 2020

The spread of the coronavirus is worldwide and can now be found in expected and unexpected places. From an ICE detention center for unaccompanied minors to remote indigenous Amazon tribes, the coronavirus is infecting humans everywhere. Yet, in the…


January 2, 2020

All things gender may emerge as the ‘theme’ for 2020. For example, one South American country just declared a national emergency due to gender-based violence and U.S. politicians are grappling with gender bias when it comes to childcare issues;…


December 20, 2019

With ALL the global news that has rocked our world in 2019, the AP picked the top 10 news stories of the year. Can you guess #1?; Where was the ‘Latino Vote’ born?; Archeologists are on the verge of…


October 14, 2019

Say “the wall” these days and most everyone’s thoughts go to our southern border. So much injustice, heartache and harm has been and is being done and it’s not stopping; Most people know we shouldn’t eat late at night…

By Divya Raghavan NerdScholar Earlier this year, NerdScholar was selected as a winner of the College Knowledge Challenge, a competitive grant initiative funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The College Knowledge Challenge is a partnership between the Gates…