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By Marilyn Garateix Latino Ed Beat Michele Siqueiros recalled the day she arrived on a college campus. “I thought I had arrived on another planet,” she told a recent gathering of journalists who attended the Education Writers Association’s fourth…

By Teddy Nykiel NerdWallet   High school juniors, soon-to-be seniors: As you’re headed into a year of varsity letters, last hurrahs and anticipation for the new beginning that’s now just around the corner, don’t forget about college applications and…

By Obed Manuel Latina Lista   5. Not enough of us maintain a healthy diet According to the latest findings by the State of Obesity, 77 percent of adult Latinos in the U.S. are obese or overweight. The report…

By Brianna McGurran Nerd Scholar Volunteering in high school and college is fun, fulfilling and an easy way to make new friends with similar interests. Plus, there can be a major bonus to giving back to your community: scholarship…

By Paige Schaefer NerdScholar SAT test takers will face an updated version of the college admission exam in 2016, the College Board recently announced. Of the proposed changes, the most notable include an optional essay, eliminating the penalty for…