By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat Aiming to solve a diversity problem in Silicon Valley, the Hispanic Heritage Foundation is training the next generation of Latino coders — and teaching them to teach others. “The thought that the tech industry…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Computer Education for Nicaraguan Students in Need
Jul 2, 2015, 12:14 PM 0
LatinaLista — Campaign: Computer Education for Nicaraguan Students in Need The students of Colegio Cristiano Presbiteriano (CCP) in Managua, Nicaragua need computer skills to have any hope of lifting themselves out of poverty. Funds are needed for a computer…
Technology, Videos, zNew Headline
Video: 2.5 million children later, One Laptop Per Child is transforming not only children but whole countries
Feb 11, 2014, 12:00 AM 0
LatinaLista — In 2005, the acronym OLPC burst onto the tech/social good scene garnering headlines for its lofty mission — provide One Laptop Per Child to poor children throughout the world. Since that announcement, OLPC has put a special,…
Global Views, Technology, zNew Headline
Grooming Latin America’s children to be the computer coders of mañana
Oct 15, 2013, 2:59 PM 0
LatinaLista — There’s a movement in Latin America to groom the next generation of computer coders that combines creating art with basic programming, lead by — a turtle! It’s called TurtleArt (TortugArte). TurtleArt is a platform focused on teaching…