This morning, several headlines tout the soft support Biden has among some Latinos. One of the latest polls shows Biden lagging Trump among Florida Latinos, in particular. However, the Biden campaign is drawing more displeasure from the Latino immigration…
By Laurel Thomas Futurity Stereotypes about who develops eating disorders may contribute to men and people of color missing out on getting proper health care, researchers report. In a survey of college-age students, Kendrin Sonneville and Sarah Lipson of…
Health, zNew Headline
Organizations band together to set the record straight on eating disorders
LatinaLista — Summer is on the horizon, and with that, thoughts by many sun worshippers as to how they will look laid out by the pool or strolling along the shore. For about 20 million women and 10 million…
Health, Life Issues, zNew Headline
National campaign launches targeting college students with eating disorders
LatinaLista — Across the country, college classes are in full swing with many students living away from home for the first time. While the popular warning to many of these students is to beware of the “freshman 15” —…
Life Issues, zNew Headline
Young Latinas with eating disorders keeping pace with peers
LatinaLista — Drastic weight loss. Preoccupation with counting calories. The need to weigh yourself several times a day. Excessive exercise. Binge eating or purging. Food rituals, like taking tiny bites, skipping food groups or re-arranging food on the plate….