By Sanford Schram The Conversation The budget blueprint the House of Representatives recently unveiled isn’t a carbon copy of President Donald Trump’s proposal, dubbed “A New Foundation for American Greatness.” But they would both make what’s left of the already…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunding: Creating a library for the children of Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador
GritoBlast! — In April 2015, a volunteer artist cooperative known as Arte Intercultural Vilcabamba (AIV), was launched in Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador, South America. In two short years, the artist cooperative transformed themselves into a service organization with a single…
Social Justice, Videos, zNew Headline
Intrn’l Video: Protesting displacement of 4,000 Brazilian families ahead of World Cup
LatinaLista — When Brazil was awarded the 2014 World Cup, media images showed Brazilians overjoyed at the prospect of hosting the megagames of their beloved sport, “futebol,” on their home turf. Yet, as preparations accelerate for the monthlong tournament…
Technology, Videos, zNew Headline
Video: 2.5 million children later, One Laptop Per Child is transforming not only children but whole countries
LatinaLista — In 2005, the acronym OLPC burst onto the tech/social good scene garnering headlines for its lofty mission — provide One Laptop Per Child to poor children throughout the world. Since that announcement, OLPC has put a special,…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Secretly negotiated trade agreement could be “TPP”ing point in creating a future none of us should want
By Jamie Weinand LatinaLista “Today we say, enough is enough! We have been denied the most elemental preparation so they can use us as cannon fodder and pillage the wealth of our country. They don’t care that we have…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
New Mexico Man Finds Hope in Water Conservation Career
Green For All Amery Romero’s family has lived in Truchas, New Mexico for generations. Since the 1600s, they’ve farmed and raised cattle in the area. But over the past few decades, more and more of Truchas’ residents have streamed…
Global Views, zNew Headline
American produce distributor launches crowdfunding campaign to give impoverished Mexican farmers seeds needed for planting
LatinaLista — In the years since 1994 when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed among the United States, Canada and Mexico, debate has intensified as to who the real beneficiaries are of the international trade agreement….
Global Views
Guatemalan solar company defines new generation of utility companies striving to help those without
By Anna-Claire Bevan LatinaLista For the past three weeks Juan Rodriguez has been living in complete darkness. Not because he can’t afford to pay his electricity bill, but because this CEO is refusing to turn his lights back on…