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June 4, 2020

Cracks in the GOP force field protecting Trump from criticism, fact-checks and the truth are deepening. More Republicans, appalled at his use of force against peacefully protesting Americans and his volatile, divisive race-baiting rhetoric, are speaking out. Former U.S….


January 2, 2020

All things gender may emerge as the ‘theme’ for 2020. For example, one South American country just declared a national emergency due to gender-based violence and U.S. politicians are grappling with gender bias when it comes to childcare issues;…

By Eliana Alcaraz Esparza LatinaLista (Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared the Herald de Paris) HOLLYWOOD – On this particular Tuesday morning, July 1, 2014, Mexican singer Lupillo Rivera felt happy as a “King.” It was on this day…

Rumbo News LAWRENCE, MA — On Saturday, December 15, a large gathering of Dominicans participated in a walk in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts. They were demonstrating against what they called ‘El Paquetazo’ or a tax hike, the fiscal…