There are many issues that go hand-in-hand with the pandemic: racial justice, social justice, domestic violence, education, etc. Yet, the one issue that sits at the root of them all, even the pandemic, is wealth disparity (a.k.a. the economy)….
The CDC just released new data about coronavirus — and it’s really bad news for Latinos; So, DREAMers got a reprieve from the Supreme Court. What’s next?; 12 charts show just where racial disparities exist, and it’s not pretty;…
Racial Justice, Social Justice, zNew Headline
Researchers find direct correlation between residential segregation and police shootings of unarmed Black victims
LatinaLista — Go to most towns and cities in the country and you’ll most probably find one section where whites live, another for Blacks and still another for Latinos or other residents of color. Some small towns were even…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Good News: Fewer kids being suspended from school. Bad News: Minority and disabled kids still targets for school suspensions
By Sarah Barr Juvenile Justice Information Exchange WASHINGTON — Out-of-school suspensions dropped 20 percent nationally in recent years, but students of color and students with disabilities are still more likely to face harsh discipline than their peers, according to…
Special Reports, zNew Headline
Report: For Women and Girls, the Common Core Is a Step Toward Greater Equity
Center for American Progress Women and girls continue to benefit from dramatically increased educational opportunities. Due in large part to the success of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, more than half of the associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s,…