These days, the media is focusing on two P words: pandemic and polls. Most of us try to keep up with the latest news on the pandemic but only catch up on polls when heard on the news. While…
Finally, Washington heard the pleas for help from farmers; Idaho wants to help Latino students succeed in school and are starting with a redesign; Can Republicans save one of its last Latina congresswoman?; Believe in UFOs? Now, we all…
Politics, Videos, zNew Headline
VIDEO: Immigration Could Set Stage For Big U.S. Budget Showdown
LatinaLista — President Obama’s self-imposed deadline for taking independent acton on immigration reform is fast approaching. As can be expected, conservatives are not happy. However, rather than execute their fundamental duty as elected officials — pass legislation for the good…
Palabra Final, Politics, zNew Headline
One Latina journalist’s tips to help GOP politicians follow Chairman’s directive of engaging Latino media
LatinaLista — Ever since it was made clear that Obama won his bid for re-election with the help of Latino voters, Republicans have known that they need to do more to convince us that they aren’t the political bad…
Palabra Final, Politics
McCain’s preference for Sarah Palin triggers questions, questions, and more questions
LatinaLista – The Republican nominee for vice president, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, brings to the ticket many of the shared values of the Republican Party but can those same values compensate for the lack of political experience? The selection…
Children, Health, Youth
Turning Bristol Palin’s teenage pregnancy into a learning experience — en Español
LatinaLista — The announcement of Sarah Palin’s candidacy for vice president on the Repubican ticket is newsworthy in its own right. Yet, throw in the surprise news (to those of us who live outside Alaska) that her eldest daughter…
Media, Palabra Final, Politics
You don’t have to be an “elite” political commentator to question Sarah Palin’s qualifications
LatinaLista — What does it say for a political team when the speech most anticipated is not the one delivered by the person at the top of the ticket? Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin (Source: That’s pretty much…
Palabra Final, Politics
Gov. Palin’s speech is expected to be a D — defensive, defiant and dismissive
“I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town. I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids’ public education better. When I…
Immigration, Palabra Final, Politics
When will Democrats smarten up and realize they’re being set up as the fall-guy for Bush Administration’s deportation overkill?
LatinaLista — It’s official — the Bush Administration can’t leave the kind of Mideast legacy that they envisioned entailing where this President would be honored and thanked by people of the Mideast for bringing democracy and relieving oppression in…
Palabra Final, Politics, Social Media
Why Isn’t Sen. John McCain Responding to Latino Bloggers?
LatinaLista — It’s no big secret that a lot of Latinos like Senator John McCain. In fact, rumor has it that some Latinos will actually switch parties to vote for the Arizona senator if their candidate of choice isn’t…