Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Turning Bristol Palin’s teenage pregnancy into a learning experience — en Español

Turning Bristol Palin’s teenage pregnancy into a learning experience — en Español

LatinaLista — The announcement of Sarah Palin’s candidacy for vice president on the Repubican ticket is newsworthy in its own right. Yet, throw in the surprise news (to those of us who live outside Alaska) that her eldest daughter Bristol is five months pregnant and well, it’s not often that unmarried teenage kids of White House-destined candidates are pregnant during the campaign.

Seventeen-year-old Bristol Palin, who is 5 months pregnant, applauds as her mother Sarah Palin accepts the Republican nomination to be Vice President.
As if that somehow justifies all the media attention.
At any rate, there’s no situation that can’t be turned into a learning experience. We trust Bristol and her novio Levi have learned their lesson but to the many other teens out there who think it won’t happen to them, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy has the stats to prove them wrong.
The trouble is getting the information out to those kids and their families.
So in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is giving away to organizations, for a limited time, five different resource materials in Spanish. The materials can be given away at conferences, symposiums, roundtables, etc.
Though the National Campaign has set some limits on the resources, they will ship any amount to distribute at events.
Teenage pregnancy may provoke curiosity when it happens to someone in the public eye but it’s never an issue to turn a blind eye towards either.

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