Revelations of how deeply corrupt and lawless the Trump administration actually is ceases to surprise us anymore as much as it viscerally disgusts those of us who truly understand the history of our democracy, the ideals that have stood…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
10 College Expenses You Didn’t Expect and How to Pay for Them
By Devon Delfina NerdWallet You’ve picked your college, and you’ve planned nearly everything: how you’re going to decorate your dorm room, the clubs you’re going to join, and how you’ll introduce yourself to your new roommate. Freshman year is going to…
By Brianna McGurran NerdWallet Student loan borrowers dream of the day they’re debt-free the way others fantasize about winning the lottery. That day could come sooner than you think if you qualify for federal student loan forgiveness. There…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
New Job Perk Could Save Grads 3 Years of Student Loan Payments
By Victoria Simons & Anna Helhoski NerdWallet Employers nationwide are beginning to offer a new perk to their increasingly indebted millennial workforce: assistance in paying down student loans. A new study by NerdWallet found undergraduate student debt holders…
Causes, zNew Headline
National “Rolling Jubilee” campaign strives to liberate people from debt
By Anna-Claire Bevan LatinaLista A group of former Occupy Wall Street activists has abolished nearly $15 million of medical debt as part of a debt cancellation initiative to liberate debtors at random. Since November 2012, Rolling Jubilee, which is…
Local News, West
“Pay as You Earn” program to make student loan repayment easier for young people WASHINGTON, D.C. –Congresswoman Lois Capps (CA-23) on Dec. 21 announced the implementation of the Obama Administration’s “Pay as You Earn” program. The Administration’s “Pay as You Earn” proposal will reduce monthly loan payments by capping them at 10…