Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > Bilingual online toolkit helps families understand the importance of college

Bilingual online toolkit helps families understand the importance of college

LatinaLista — For many Latino families, the notion of higher education for their children, or themselves, can seem out of reach. Yet, a new bilingual website, En Camino: Herramientas educativas para familias/On our Way: Educational tools for families, sponsored by The National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL) provides the necessary information that can make it easier to understand why a college education is important.


The Spanish and English-language toolkit includes five online modules with activities for families to help increase their investment in and pursuit of educational opportunities. The tools assist with making education a family goal and ensuring parent involvement in education.

Tools range from fun, interactive games like matching the workplaces of professional career people with their pictures; an explanation of the different schooling levels in the United States; a strategy list on saving for college; and charting different careers with how much can be achieved in each based on the degree.

The site also offers information on how parents can get involved in promoting college while their children are still young so that it will always be a part of a family’s long-term educational goals for their children.

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