Latina Lista > 2016 Presidential Candidates

John Kasich Republican Age: 63 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship (switched position) Manmade Climate Change: Denies DREAM Act: Supports Voters must show Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: State issue  

Donald Trump Republican Age: 69 Birthright Citizenship: Favors excluding children of undocumented immigrants Manmade Climate Change: Denies DREAM Act: Opposes Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Opposes raising    

Rick Santorum Republican Age: 57 Birthright Citizenship: Favors excluding children of undocumented immigrants Manmade Climate Change: Denies DREAM Act: Against Voters must show Voter ID: For Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage Raise: Supports raising    

Bernie Sanders Democrat Age: 74 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Manmade Climate Change: Accepts DREAM Act: Supports Voters must show Voter ID: Opposes Obamacare: Supports, wants to expand Minimum Wage: Supports raising  

Marco Rubio Republican Age: 44 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Manmade Climate Change: Denies DREAM Act: Opposes Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Opposed  

Rand Paul Republican Age: 52 Birthright Citizenship: Favors excluding children of undocumented immigrants Manmade Climate Change: Unclear DREAM Act: Not immediately Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Opposes  

Martin O’Malley Democrat Age: 52 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Manmade Climate Change: Accepts DREAM Act: Supports, signed Maryland DREAM Act Voter ID: Against Obamacare: Supports, wants to expand Minimum Wage: Supports raising  

Mike Huckabee Republican Age: 59 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship  Manmade Climate Change: Accepts, cites economic concerns DREAM Act: Supports Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Against raising  

Carly Fiorina Republican Age: 60 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Man-made Climate Change: Accepts, but does not call for action DREAM Act: Supports Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Opposed to raising  

Ted Cruz Republican Age: 44 Birthright Citizenship: Favors excluding children of undocumented immigrants Man-made Climate Change: Denies DREAM Act: Against Voter ID: Supports it Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Opposes raising it  

Hillary Clinton Democrat Age: 67 Birthright Citizenship: Continue granting automatic citizenship Manmade Climate Change: Accepts DREAM Act: Supports Voter ID: Against Obamacare: Keep Minimum Wage: Supports raising  

Chris Christie Republican Age: 52 Birthright Citizenship: Favors excluding children of undocumented immigrants Manmade Climate Change: Accepts it, no indication on what action is necessary DREAM Act: Unknown, signed NJ version of DREAM Act Voter ID: Supports Obamacare: Repeal Minimum…

Jeb Bush Republican Age: 62   Manmade Climate Change: Accepts it, cites economic worries DREAM Act: Favors it Voter ID: Supports it Obamacare: Repeal Minimum Wage: Favors abolishing federal minimum