By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat More Latinos are earning degrees in science, technology, engineering and math fields; yet more are needed, a new report by Excelencia in Education claims. According to the study, “Finding Your Workforce: Latinos in…

By Daniel Ward Language Magazine Use of the Spanish language has been growing steadily since the 16th century, but has suddenly accelerated over the last century — in the late 19th century, there were some 60 million Spanish speakers,…

By Anita Kar Futurity A new study suggests a part of the brain called the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (LOFC) helps us make choices when we have to combine different sources of data, such when we vote. In addition, researchers…

By Brianna McGurran Nerd Scholar Volunteering in high school and college is fun, fulfilling and an easy way to make new friends with similar interests. Plus, there can be a major bonus to giving back to your community: scholarship…

Latinas Represent Regina Monge is an elected official, and she’s still in college. In the interview above, listen to LatinasRepresent Intern Nicole Castillo interview Monge about her decision to run for the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) in DC. Regina…

By Jann Ingmire Futurity Young children who hear more than one language spoken at home become better communicators, a new study finds. Effective communication requires the ability to take others’ perspectives. Researchers discovered that children from multilingual environments are…

By Sara Inés Calderón Más Wired Operation Code is a Portland, Oregon-based organization working to enable more veterans to learn to code and work in the tech industry. The organization is the brainchild of veteran David Molina, who is…

By Bess Connolly Martell Futurity Researchers are working to document sentences like “Here’s you a piece of pizza.” Though it sounds totally normal to some English speakers in the United States, it strikes others as totally bizarre. The Yale…

By Sara Inés Calderón Más Wired Olenka and Adam Polak grew up in a Polish-speaking household in Greenwich, Connecticut didn’t set out to be entrepreneurs. But an unpleasant moviegoing experience with their Polish cousins led them to create myLINGO,…