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By Rachel Harrison Futurity Teachers communicate with parents based on their racial and immigrant backgrounds—not just their child’s academic performance—research finds. “The patterns of communication we saw are consistent with stereotypes that teachers may subscribe to different racial and…

By Cliff Despres SaludToday   The United States is home to 24 million workers of Hispanic descent. These workers, often referred to as a single entity, come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, each with their own unique labor…


The fear election

By Ron Chandler The Conversation Whether you support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, fear might be the biggest factor driving you to the polls. Over the weekend, pollster Peter Hart told NBC News that this has been “an election about fear.”…

By Eric Moreno SaludToday When it comes to smoking, there’s good and bad news for Latinos. The good: Researchers have long known that Latinos adults overall are less likely to smoke cigarettes than their white or black peers. The…

National Trust for Historic Preservation (Editor’s Note: A petition has been created on to help spearhead the creation of a Civil Rights National Park in Birmingham, Alabama. Below is the petition and a link to it.)   In…

By Shima Baughman, Christopher Robertson, Sunita Sah The Conversation Many experts and politicians believe there is, as Hillary Clinton has said repeatedly, “systematic racism throughout the criminal justice system.” As recently as the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton made this point a…

By Lizette Escobedo Moms Clean Air Force   Latino leaders gathered in Washington, D.C. recently for the National Latino Climate Leadership Forum to discuss how to best tackle environmental issues impacting Latinos. As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts, low-income communities of color…

By Alexis Blue Futurity When women experience stress related to ethnic discrimination and needing to adapt to a new culture, their children may exhibit more behavior problems and worse academic performance by age 5. For a new study, researchers…

By William Francis Keegan The Conversation   The story of Christopher Columbus, as with all legends, involves a series of great successes and horrible failures. Columbus’s current favorability rating hovers somewhere close to those of Hillary Clinton and Donald…