Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Palabra Final > Immigration > Political ads scapegoating Latino immigrants create a new level of bullying

Political ads scapegoating Latino immigrants create a new level of bullying

LatinaLista — It’s been reported that Nevada’s GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle has raised a war chest worthy of intimidating her opponent, Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid. But she didn’t have to use any funds from that chest in the latest advertisement targeting her opponent and, again, taking square aim against Latino immigrants.

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In the latest ad, the issue of illegal immigration is portrayed as a game of Monopoly but this version is called “Harry Reid’s Amnesty Game.” At first, one can’t help but notice the stunt is pretty clever, but the tagline soon erases any kind of fleeting admiration for the creativity behind it.

The tagline reads, “Fun for the whole illegal family.”

The sad reality is that undocumented immigrants are not single men or women; they are families. The children in these Nevada families are hearing and seeing what is playing out in the media on a daily basis — and they’re hearing the insulting message perpetuated by advertisements like this latest one.

The ease with how conservatives refuse to acknowledge that undocumented immigrants are not faceless, nameless statistics belonging to a particular age group is a disturbing commentary on the lack of compassion and humanity exhibited by these politicians and ad creators.

For the children who have to be subjected to this childish and mean-spirited display of political bullying there’s no doubt they are being emotionally impacted. Time will tell the extent of it.

The idea by Angle, her party or these supporters who created this Monopoly rip-off that this campaign is only between Angle and her fellow residents of Nevada couldn’t be more wrong.

When a candidate is outlandish enough in what they say or do, he/she attracts mainstream attention in ways not foreseen. Look at Sarah Palin and how she’s been harpooned time and time again by Saturday Night Live.

Now, it’s Angle’s turn.

On the blog “Outblush,” which bills itself as a site for girls who love to shop, and for whom politics is more about how talent winners are selected on reality TV, there was an interesting and unexpected item that showed up on their daily list of need-to-have products.

It was a Halloween costume — of Sharron Angle. According to the site:

Sharron Angle, the Republican senate nominee for Nevada for the upcoming elections, is mostly famous for one thing: She’s voted “No” on nearly every single Nevada Assembly vote she ever participated in, giving her votes a “41-to-Angle” nickname.

Her signature look is a light auburn bob worn with a blue pantsuit or skirtsuit and a jeweled brooch. Our solution? Find a blue skirt suit at a thrift store, add on a wig & brooch, then print out the word “NO” a few dozen times, cut them out and pin ’em to your suit.

Wow. If a totally non-political site like Outblush can see through a bizarre figure like Sharron Angle then that says something very scary about a woman doing her darndest to paint Latinos as her state’s cucuis (boogeymen).

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