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Today’s Crowdfunding Campaign: The Indigenous Fine Art Market


The Indigenous Fine Art Market (IFAM) is a celebration of Native American art and the cultures that inspire it and will take place on August 21-23 at the Railyard Arts District in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The Indigenous Fine Art Market is about sharing the Native narrative with the world through the connections and relationships made with those who experience Native art. As such, IFAM is a juried art show and will include only the highest quality artwork.

Additionally, IFAM’s events and youth, music and literary programs, will create a greater understanding of the complexity and beauty of Native American culture and people as they evolve and exist today.

John Torres Nez, Paula Rivera, Tailinh Agoyo and three dozen artists met to strategize the development of a market “for the People by the People.” Out of that meeting, IFAM was born.

The inaugural event will also feature traditional and contemporary music, dance and spoken word stages, skateboarding exhibitions, installation art, mural painting, youth art, and literary booths.

Campaign funding will assist in all areas of producing IFAM 2014 including hiring temporary staff, building infrastructure for the event (tents, stages, maintenance operations, etc.), producing cultural and youth programs and marketing.

The IFAM campaign funds will assist in all areas of producing the art market including hiring temporary staff, building infrastructure for the event (tents, stages, maintenance operations, etc.), producing cultural and youth programs and marketing.

The campaign’s goal is $60,000 and ends June 12.

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