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Bolivia: Christmas at The House of Dreams

By Angie Washington

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COCHABAMBA, BOLIVIA — They hear our truck roll up. Even before we can knock on the door the children are calling out our names and peeking through the gate to get a glimpse of what we have brought.
It is Christmas Eve.
This is the first year that we have been able to put up a tree. Now we bring the packages, each one with a name of an excited child eagerly awaiting their gift.
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When you think about it the truth is that Jesus was adopted. The church is instructed to care for orphans and widows should they want to display true religion. What more fitting way to celebrate the birth of Christ than with orphans?
Just as the wise men carried gifts to a humble dwelling for a special child we brought gifts to some very special children.
Thanks to a church in Louisiana who mailed the packages way back in November all the kids received specially imported presents. There was candy, games, toys, clothes, books, and even personalized items upon which their very own names were embroidered.
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Nothing compares to the smile of a child when they open a gift just their own. Aside from the individual parcels, we also set up three computers, the funds for which were donated by a school in England.
Later on, there was cake and treats. On Christmas day, a party with a clown was made complete with more gifts. Each child received a book with their name inscribed on the inside cover and a little tote bag to carry it.
Another person came and cooked a special Christmas dinner for the kids.
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Seeing all eighteen happy faces gave me a very merry Christmas.

Learn more about Angie


Angie Washington lives with her husband and five kids in Cochabamba, Bolivia in the heart of South America. This has been her home since 2001. They run an orphanage called the House of Dreams and have a church called Christ Nation.

She believes faith without coffee is dead, enjoys laughing out loud, and collects cacti and kaleidoscopes.

Angie not only lives life to the fullest but it would probably be an understatement to say her life is full — full of children, full of love and full of the unpredictability that goes with living in another country.


Luckily, Angie shares her daily adventures at her blog “the @.” Readers can also follow her on Twitter at “atangie.”


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