Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Economy > Mexico: Why are women losing their jobs?

Mexico: Why are women losing their jobs?

By Martha Ramos


MEXICO: As it turns, cutting jobs is “in”. I mean, the real crisis in this world crisis is the not-so-global-effect of losing our jobs. In Mexico, sadly, it’s a phenomenon that’s affecting more women than men.
Official data reveals that just in January, the rate of unemployed men has risen from 4.08% to 4.84% but among women it is worse: from 3.97% to 5.26%.
Well, no financial specialist has yet to analyze this fact but I can imagine, or go back 20 years and remember when it used to be said: “it’s easy for a woman to go back home.” “I prefer to keep a man, he never leaves early to take care of the kids.” “Women ask for a lot of extra time to spend with their family.”
Yes, but it is a fact that women are more responsible, they can handle two, three, four tasks at the same time, and sadly nobody denies this, but we still live in a society where it’s different between what you think and what you do.
In times of crisis, we don’t stop to think. We act in panic, and by instinct.
No, cutting women’s jobs is not the right decision.
We live in a country with more than 26.7 million families and almost 11% are maintained by women. So the impact of unemployment among women will affect directly the Mexican economy.
It’s a logical conclusion, just add two and two.
So what do we do?
I propose to work together. We can. We, women are good at helping each other, at teamwork. So let’s do that now.
We need now to create new jobs, new ways of getting money. That is how Avon, Betterwear and other companies work, with women being women working for themselves.
I believe there are a lot of support groups to guide women who want to work on their own, how to do it, how to deal with loans, taxes, etc..
Do you know of one? Please share it with us.
I recommend you read:
Cómo ahorrar en tiempo de crisis (How to Save in a Crisis)
What to do if you lose your job
Report of jobs in Mexico

Learn more about Martha:
I’m Martha Ramos, born 43 years ago, a journalist during the last 24 years and a mother since 1998.
I believe in the power of friendship, and the wisdom of children. I defend women as a basic element in every society, every group, every family.
I recognize journalism as the most important tool of a democratic country and the imperfect way of getting to the truth. Now, in the era of journalism 2.0 and 3.0 I really thank you for the possibility of talking to you and hearing from you.

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