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Young Colombiana Proud to be a Mujer Changing History

By Carolina Velez

COLOMBIA: Living in Medellin, Colombia is a privilege, even though some people just don’t see it like that. But this city is so pretty, so full of colour and the city’s life sticks to its inhabitants’ memory and makes us fall in love with it over and over again.

Women in Medellin are like the flowers in a garden — always green and growing.
Some may think of us as only products of a society that seduces us to spend, but though some may see that as a bad thing, it’s not necessarily like that.

Besides being Colombia’s main fashion city, Medellin is also the city where women are recognized when it comes to contributing economically, politically and in many other ways.
We even have a talent contest where women in various fields are granted awards in recognition of their hard work such as science, technology, sports, social development, etc.
In Medellin, women work as hard as the men, some of them work even harder because they are both mother and father to their children. Yet, they still have time to shine, because here, women have time to feel.

In Medellin, women rule the society, especially at home. They are mostly middle-aged and are housewives.
The main difference for women in Medellin is that the men recognize our work and treat us like equals — sadly, that doesn’t happen in many cities around the world or even in those so-called developed cities.
Women have changed History, and will continue changing it. Medellin is proof of that happening.
Being a woman brings privileges but also responsibilities. The good part is that most of us are proud of taking the risk.
We are achieving success. As hermanas, we’re all basically the same and we have to support each other.
United we stand tall!!
Learn more about Carolina
At 17, Carolina Velez plays bass, sings, and often acts, while she finishes highschool and participates in in Santo Domingo, Colombia.
Through her involvement with, Carolina has learned how to create a blog and is taking her newfound talents to greater heights by now learning how to edit videos.
To read more of Carolina’s musings on life, visit her blog.

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