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Is Chicago’s Father Landaverde facing jail time?

By Alejandra Herrera
Extra News

On the anniversary of the historic mass marches in Chicago, March 10, hundreds of people gathered together at Union Park to march against deportations at the first Senate Hearing regarding the new Legislation for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Eleven were arrested, one of whom was Father Landaverde.

“We will march down Ogden and take Randolph to the Federal Building,” said Emma Lozano Pastor at Lincoln United Methodist Church. Upon arriving at the Federal Building they held a press conference, which marked the beginning of a 90-day campaign pressuring President Obama to stop deportations and to extend the DACA deferments to the parents of the dreamers.

“We have come a long way since those early marches – but still families are still being separated, children are still being left behind,” read a flyer at the event.

Father Landaverde led his people. The march was escorted by four municipal cars in the front and two in the back. The hundreds of marchers covered two blocks of Randolph, as they all walked together.

“[I am here today] because they want to deport my husband. My daughter died five years ago, she was a nurse for the troops. My son can’t go to college because he has to be the man of the house. My husband can’t work. If he does get deported I am going to dig up my daughter’s body and take her to Mexico,” said Olivia Segura.

“Obama listen! Obama listen! Obama listen!” screamed Father Jose S. Landaverde at the march for all his followers to hear. One day he was fighting for everyone and the next, March 11, he was fighting and asking the community to fight for him. Father Landaverde is likely to face six months in jail for allegedly protesting at the first Senate Hearing in favor of the families who are facing deportation.

“I was lobbying Janet Napolitano to stop the deportations of families when I was arrested for disrupting Congress,” explained Landaverde. “On March 19 we don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s very sad,” he said.

Father Landaverde’s next court day is scheduled for…

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