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San Antonio readers respond to immigration policy change

La Prensa de San Antonio

San Antonio is buzzing about the Obama Administration’s announcement that they are adopting a new policy and will no longer deport young people who meet certain criteria – some are all for the new change, others think it’s just another politically motivated move that won’t solve the immigration issues facing the U.S.

An attempt by Obama Ad­ministration to pander to His­panics during the election cycle?

The Obama Administration has announced this morning a new policy that will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives.

While some people may see this as a new approach and a step toward citizenship for young illegal aliens, this is nothing more than a temporary worker program for kids. It provides a temporary stay of deportation, which they would normally have as long as they do not break the law under the current system.

It is another “an end run” attempt around Congress and it does not help the illegal immigrant other than provide them more false hope.

Finally, this is a hollow attempt by Obama to pander to Hispanics in preparation for his visit to San Antonio. He apparently believes that all Hispanics are focused on immigration, and they will ignore the economy which he has almost destroyed.
This announcement is more cheap political electioneering by the Obama administration to curry favor with Hispanics. It is a shallow political announcement. Obama should work with Congress to find a true and long lasting solution.
George Rodriguez, President, South Texas Political Alliance

Or a courageous move by President Obama to bring relief to young people?

I am cautiously optimistic about President Obama’s decision. It’s a first step for an estimated 800,000 DREAMers who have been waiting for many years for a solution.

This comes about after years of pressure from many organizations, including the Cesar Chavez Legacy Foundation here in San Antonio, to provide relief for these young people who are innocent of any wrong-doing.

I believe the President was right in his action – it is the right thing to do, even though it is just a beginning of comprehensive immigration reform.

I hope Congress takes advantage of this moment to institute real policy change.

For now, the announcement of DHS will allow DREAMers to stay in the United States without fear and continue their studies and other contributions to our society. I applaud President Obama for having the courage to address this issue.

Naysayers, like Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) who also chairs the House Appropriations Committee said the policy change will serve as a magnet for undocumented immigrants – but he fails to understand the policy only addresses those who are already living in this country.

This action will give young undocumented immigrants the chance to come out of the shadows in the only country they have ever called home.

On Sept 15, I will lead a contingent from South Texas to Washington D.C to the Lincoln Memorial to join people from all over the country to Call attention to the predicament of undocumented workers in this country who face laws that are not understandable and almost impossible to comply with.

We will call for Congress to finally implement a reasonable and just comprehensive immigration reform – reunification of families, protection of human rights to undocumented workers and a fair pathway to American citizenship.
Jaime Martinez, President of Cesar E Chavez Legacy and Educational Foundation

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