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State representatives approve bill calling for proof of citizenship by candidates

By Juan Miret
Hispano de Tulsa

TULSA, Oklahoma – Senate Bill 91, which would require that any candidate for federal, state or municipal office prove their identity and citizenship with their original birth certificate, was passed in the House of Representatives on April 27 by a vote of 77 in favor, 13 against and 11 abstentions.

Rep. Sue Tibbs, a Tulsa Republican who is co-author of the bill, declined to talk to the Hispano de Tulsa. However, her legislative assistant, Vickie Thomas, said in a telephone conversation that the representative’s constituents support the measure.

Sen. Rick Brinkley, a Republican from Owasso and the author of the bill, said by telephone that although the original measure was amended by Ralph Shortey, a Republican senator from Oklahoma City, he said, “I still support S.B. 91.” He added: “It makes sense.”

The bill had been…

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