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World-renowned Latina archaeologist visits Savannah

By John Newton
La Voz Latina

SAVANNAH — Armstrong Atlantic State University’s Office of International Education welcomed its favorite archaeologist back to Savannah in February, as Dr. Constanza Ceruti returned to the Savannah campus for a series of lectures on the Sacred Mountains of the World.

Armed with nearly 100 photos showing her at or near the summits of these famous peaks, she explained their archaeological significance and the myths surrounding their creation.

During her career, Dr. Ceruti has distinguished herself as the world’s only female high-altitude archaeologist and has climbed over one hundred mountains taller than 17,000 feet. When she’s not busy exploring the world’s highest peaks, the Argentine native works as a Professor of Inca Archaeology at Catholic University of Salta.

She is the author of six books, more than sixty academic publications, and has lectured and traveled throughout the world.

Dr. Ceruti is most famous for her co-discovery of the world’s best-preserved frozen mummies on the summit of Llullaillaco, the world’s fifth highest volcano which lies on the border between Argentina and Chile. Her passion for mountain exploration has taken her literally around the globe.

Surrounded by an auditorium filled with students and visitors, Dr. Ceruti began her photo journey at the Ganges River in India.

“ I see the mountains even if they are not there,” she said. “In India I notice the shape of the temples. Looking at them closer, we see a resemblance to the peaks of the mountains of the Himalayas. The Himalayan mountains are conceived as the abodes of mountain deities and Mount Kailash, the most sacred mountain in Asia, is the home of the Hindu God Lord Shiva.”

Dr. Ceruti said that religious traditions made some mountains strictly off-limits to climbers…

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