Latina Lista > Culture > A Chance to Help Mainstream Media Get the Story Right about Hispanic Issues

A Chance to Help Mainstream Media Get the Story Right about Hispanic Issues

LatinaLista — Many times, readers ask what can they do help change situations, or make a positive difference in today’s world.

There is only one answer: speak out!

Unless more of us do, things won’t change and the complaints of today will never improve.

A recent request was made of Latina Lista that I share the following. It is the perfect opportunity for many to start our New Year’s Resolutions early and do something positive for our communities.

I urge you to accept this invitation.

Help public radio cover US Hispanic business and culture

The mainstream media has a pretty spotty record when it comes to covering the real issues in the Hispanic community. Do you see trends and stories that aren’t being reported in the news media? Do you work at – or have you started – a business that’s part of the growing Hispanic American economy?

Marketplace, the leading business show on public radio with more than 9 million listeners, wants your help to provide deeper coverage of the issues and emerging trends affecting Hispanic businesses, employees and communities.

Marketplace reporter Dan Grech reports on the Spanish-speaking community and businesses: your insight can help Dan and other Marketplace reporters cover Hispanic communities and businesses more accurately, more in-depth, and with more relevance. Your knowledge can inform the news.

Have you started a business? How is Hispanic culture affecting the American marketplace? What stories about the Hispanic community do you want to see in the news?

Click here to introduce yourself to Marketplace.

What you share will help improve media coverage of Hispanic communities and businesses.

Thank you for your time.

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