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A Psychic Looks Ahead to 2008

LatinaLista — No new year can start without wondering what exactly will happen in the coming months.
Psychic Barbara Garcia has released her predictions for 2008. As she touches on a wide spectrum of events, Latina Lista is republishing her syndicated column below.

Time will tell …
The basic energy of 2008 is stability and strength in a weak and unstable U.S. economy. This sort of power will be the hidden instigator of tensions and misunderstandings in all areas of everyday life. Therefore look at the underlying influence of any issue that may come up at work or home.
It is a turbulent year in natural disasters particularly tidal waves, possibly a tsunami. It is not unusual to see earthquakes and slides here in California but it is rather unusual to see several scattered around the world all in one year. Good grief; the hurricanes are just wild next year.
Global warming has long been a major concern world wide and finally the United States will become a team player in support of scientific efforts.

Election years have always been exciting years for Americans. I am expecting to see many twists and turns in the upcoming elections before the Republicans give way to our new Democrat leader. There will be events in the world that leave us wondering if we will even have an election. Back in the year 1999 I had stated in my forecast, “in the first fifteen years of the new millennium a woman will be named President of the United States” Psychic predictions are not fixed and can be altered. We can certainly alter this one! The candidates all look promising and wow check out who Oprah is supporting- how cool is that!
Inflation is global and very few countries can compete with industrious China but 2008 shows a positive change as industries begin to push sophisticated services, education, and manufacturing into those nations who have been of a disadvantage. Wages will slightly increase.
The writers strike in Hollywood ends early in the year bringing much needed relief to all those in the industry and those dependant on them. In general the lack of strong investors in 2008 weakens the Entertainment Industry. The literary world, on the other hand, will favor much better.
It never ceases to amaze me what new discoveries will be unveiled each year in space. A new planet is one of those grand discoveries in 2008 as well as an extraordinary discovery right here on earth as remains of an ancient being are uncovered. “Could this be proof of the existence of ET?”
We have all suffered the property market in 2007 when thousands of home owners across America were doomed to foreclosures and bankruptcy. It will be a buyers market with fantastic real estate opportunities. Perhaps we can recoup some of our losses.
The stock market will be slow and cautious but steady. I don’t detect an all time low or high in 2008.
Another profitable year is ahead for high tech and internet business.

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    January 2, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Abra-kadabra hokus-pokus don’t look now ’cause my crystal ball’s out of focus. These types need to get real jobs and stop pretending to be something they are not. Only a fool would believe in such cornball ideas of being able to see the future. The so called psychics are only making calculated predictions and can only claim success after the fact. Their percentage of making a correct guess is very low at best. What’s next, voodoo dolls or tea leaves?

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