Latina Lista > Culture > Books > Latina author Julia Alvarez participates in live webcast interview

Latina author Julia Alvarez participates in live webcast interview

LatinaLista — The number of Latina book authors who have been able to break the proverbial glass wall of the publishing industry and get noticed enough to be propelled onto mainstream reading lists has always been too low. Because of that reason, it’s not unusual for many Latinos to never be able to attend a book signing by one of these authors or an event that features the author in a live interview and question and answer session — until now!


Tonight, at 7 p.m. (EST), the highly respected Dominican-American author, Julia Alvarez, will sit down for an interview with Haitian-American author, Edwidge Danticat, at the Miami, Florida bookstore Books in Books.

Alvarez is going to discuss her classic novel “In the Time of Butterflies,” a historical novel about the Dominican’s underground movement led by the Mirabel Sisters under the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo’s regime.

Though in Miami, the entire interview will be live webcast courtesy of the Algonquin Book Club. Web viewers will not only be able to watch the interview live but can interact with fellow web attendees and ask questions of Ms. Alvarez via the Internet.

For background on Julia Alvarez and her book, the Algonquin Book Club features on their site an original essay by the author about her book. And to round out the evening, readers can check out some wine and recipe suggestions, either inspired by the book or favorites by the author herself and of the Mirabel sisters.

Yet, even though the webcast is a convenient way to see a legendary Latina author “live,” not everyone may be able to make the 7 p.m. EST webcast. Not to worry. The interview will be archived at the Algonquin Book Club site to watch anytime.

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