Latina Lista > Culture > Music > Breaking News: Emilio Navaira served with DWI arrest warrant

Breaking News: Emilio Navaira served with DWI arrest warrant

By Ramiro Burr
SAN ANTONIO — It comes as no surprise but yet it is still a little shocking and sad that Tejano singer Emilio Navaira has been charged with driving while intoxicated earlier on Friday.
It is a Class A misdemeanor charge that comes as a result of Navaira’s crashing his tour bus in late March 2008.
Fan reaction has been mixed over the past year. Some blame him for the accident and say he is responsible for any injuries and damages. Others say with his subsequent coma and hospitlization, and full recovery that has yet to come to pass, Emilio has suffered enough.

Cover artwork for new live concert DVD.
(Artwork by photographer/songwriter Tejano Ray)

According to family members, Emilio still needs another operation to replace the bone piece that doctors
removed last April to relieve pressure on his brain.
According to Warren Diepraam, Harris County chief of vehicular crimes prosecutions, under the charge, Navaira would face up to two years probation or up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000. His bond was set at $5,000.
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