Latina Lista > Culture > Culinary contest spotlights aspiring Latino chefs

Culinary contest spotlights aspiring Latino chefs

LatinaLista — Did you know that 54 percent of the culinary workforce is Latino?
Yet, the number of Latino executive chefs stands at less than 20 percent. How can that be?
In an effort to help those Latinos who just don’t want to work in the kitchen but be responsible for running it and creating the dishes, the fourth annual Chef Splendido Contest may be the secret ingredient to achieve that dream.
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Sponsored by McNeil Nutritionals, LLC, the global marketer of SPLENDA Sweenteners, the contest consists of a national search for aspiring Spanish-speaking and bilingual culinary students who are either in culinary school or who have graduated from one in the last three years. McNeil has partnered with The Spanish Speaking Chef’s Association of America, an organization dedicated to supporting young Latinos who are pursuing culinary careers.
To enter the contest, aspiring chefs need to create a Latino-inspired dessert using SPLENDA Sweeteners. The chosen dessert wins $5,000 in cash and the chance to be mentored by a nationally recognized Latino chef member of the Spanish-speaking Chef’s Association. The contest ends July 14, 2008. Afterwards, four finalists will be chosen to fly to Miami next fall and participate in the final round of judging where the next Chef Splendido will be crowned.
The application and contest rules are at Splenda’s Spanish site.

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