Latina Lista > Culture > Film > Spreading the word among Latinos to see ‘A Better Life’

Spreading the word among Latinos to see ‘A Better Life’
OXNARD, CALIFORNIA — A powerful film called A Better Life, with an all-Latino cast and already garnering positive reviews, may not be seen by millions of Latinos unless we take action and get the word out, Miguel Orozco of Nueva Vista Media reported in a media release.


The film opens in Oxnard on July 8 at the Plaza Stadium Cinemas, 255 W. Fifth St., Oxnard.

A Better Life is a beautiful film that tells a simple but universal story of a hardworking immigrant wanting a better life for his son. The film is a tribute to an invisible community of the many hard-working Latino immigrants who want only what all Americans want — a better life.

It’s the same story shared by German, Irish, and Italian immigrants not so long ago. The movie communicates a message of dignity and respect that we have been longing for and one that’s desperately needed in this anti-immigrant environment…

Finish reading Spreading the word among Latinos to see ‘A Better Life’ (‘A Better Life’ opening July 8 in Oxnard)

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