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Infighting Among Hispanics: Too Common and Too Costly

LatinaLista — Some disheartening news appeared in The Dallas Morning News last week.

On the frontpage of the Metro section was an article titled “Foes of FB ban clash on tactics.”

The article was about how a group of Latinos, concerned for their community and the treatment of the undocumented, who had been fighting the Farmers Branch, Texas city council over an ordinance targeting undocumented immigrants, had a new fight on their hands — among themselves.

Clashing sides on Farmers Branch ordinance targeting undocumented immigrants.

With so many players and egos in the mix, suffice it to say that the group, which at one time was awesome in its united front to be noticed and heard by the anglo majority in this Dallas suburb, is in real danger of falling apart and losing all the ground they’ve gained in popular opinion among the town’s residents.

Of course, the real losers in all this would be the undocumented immigrants.

Hispanic infighting seems to be growing more common these days.

There were reports of it happening among different groups who wanted to stage anniversary immigration marches and rallies last month, and it’s even going as far as our nation’s capitol.

The most currently prominent case of Hispanic infighting is among the delegates of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus.

Two sisters who are Congressional Representatives, Linda and Loretta Sanchez, from California, have suspended their membership in the Caucus. The infighting began when Congresswoman Loretta accused Rep. Joe Baca, leader of the Caucus, of calling her a whore.

Since then, things haven’t gotten any better. Two weeks ago, Loretta’s sister, Linda turned in her membership. She said, “I have decided to suspend my membership in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) . . . because I believe that the current leadership has not made needed structural reforms to ensure that the caucus is more equitable and inclusive of all its members.”

Rep. Linda Sanchez

It doesn’t sound like things are going to be resolved soon enough.

As a community, Latinos have become widely known for not fully supporting one another or letting our massive egos get in the way when there is power and recognition to be made.

And that is this community’s downfall and a pretty good predictor that no matter how strong we are in numbers, if the community is not strong in supporting one another then no amount of championing a cause will succeed.

Instead of finding real solutions there are too many Latinos who would prefer to stall progress, whatever the issue, while defending their position.

Maybe the time has come to set a moratorium on infighting in those groups that rely on either swaying public opinion or serving as a role model for the next generation of Latinos.

Maybe a new bylaw should be, If groups can’t reconcile differences after one month, dissolve, bring in a mediator, appoint new leadership and get back to the work that is going to make a difference in people’s lives.

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