Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Culture > Art > Marvel comics cartoonist shares what it’s like to draw Obama with Spider-Man for special edition

Marvel comics cartoonist shares what it’s like to draw Obama with Spider-Man for special edition

LatinaLista — It’s not too farfetched to say that a lot of people are already looking at President-elect Barack Obama as a real-life Superhero who will save the U.S. from spiraling into self-destruction.

As Spider-Man dangles behind the new President of the United States, camera in hand, he asks: “Hey, if you get to be on my cover, can I be on the dollar bill?”
(Source: Marvel Comics)
Though the ending to this story has yet to be written, there is one superhero story featuring our new president that has already been written, illustrated, published and will go on sale January 14, 2009. It’s Marvel Comics latest Spider-Man adventure entitled Spidey Meets the President.
Come to find out, President-elect Obama is a Spider-Man fan — he collects Spider-Man comic books. Once Marvel officials found out that juicy tidbit there was no way they couldn’t create a special comic book featuring one of the their most successful superheroes with the most popular president-elect in the world.
“The five-page story takes place in Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day and finds one of Spider-Man’s oldest foes attempting to thwart the swearing in ceremony of the 44th President of the United States.”
What is additionally unique about this special issue is the cover. It was drawn by artist Phil Jimenez. Among comic book collectors and lovers of comic art, this Irish-Mexican artist (born and raised in L.A.) is considered a master at his craft.
Latina Lista asked Jimenez what proved challenging in drawing our next president.

What I learned while drawing him was that he never looks surprised — Spider-Man could never just “sneak up” on him. He always looks ready for anything. So I wanted to make sure I highlighted that aspect of him — because when I actually tried to make Obama look surprised, it just didn’t work. It was much better — and the piece came out much stronger — showcasing that smile of his, which is one of his best features, as well as his good nature. I really wanted to capture that sense of, “hey, check this guy out!” Obama was incredibly easy to draw while he was smiling — his face has all the right angles for illustrators and cartoonists.

Could there possibly be a job for Jimenez now as official White House cartoonist? Would he even accept it?

Oh, definitely! Especially if I got to draw them as super-heroes. No capes for Obama — but I think I could design Michelle a pretty fab costume, and as my industry knows, I’m great with hair. 🙂

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