Latina Lista > Life Issues > Women > New Cable Television Show Looking for a Quinceañera to Star in Special Program

New Cable Television Show Looking for a Quinceañera to Star in Special Program

Know any young Latina who is turning 15 in 2008?
If so, casting agents for a new hour-long cable television show want to know her.
The show is about fulfilling the wishes of one lucky girl who has dreamed of having a Quinceañera.

(Source: commodore events)
The show’s producers will foot the bill for the Quinceañera which will include a dinner for 40-50 of your closest familia and friends, a big-time dance and a professional photographer to snap those recuerdos.
Oh, one more thing — you can’t go to your local hotel ballroom or church hall for this Quinceañera fiesta, this party is happening at Disney World.

Edelman Productions is creating this Quinceañera fantasy but there’s only one problem — the search is over in just a few days. So, there’s no time to waste.

If you know of anyone who might be interested and who has an energetic and enthusiastic personality, they must contact the show’s producers as soon as possible.
The show will be produced and shot on location at Disney World in Orlando, FL on January 12th, 2008. All submissions should be emailed with recent photos of the young girl, her immediate family and a few photos of friends or others.
Also, the girl needs to write a brief description of who she is, what she likes to do, if she’s ever attended a Quinceañera before and why she thinks she’s a good fit for the show.
All submissions need to be emailed by December 18, 2007 to

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