Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > New Online Dating Service Targets the Latina Market

New Online Dating Service Targets the Latina Market

LatinaLista — The U.S. Census reports that there are 59.8 million single mujeres in the United States. That’s a lot of women without a “significant other.”
The problem is compounded for Latinas who are looking to spend their days with someone like papi or maybe Enrique Iglesias.
Yet these days, it’s hard to meet Señor Right.

It was this cultural gap in the online dating world that first caught the attention of two University of Pennsylvania graduate school buddies, Ariel Oxman and Joe Spector. The two realized that the dating needs of Latinos across the nation just weren’t being met with such sites as or E-Harmony.
Latinas looking to date somebody wanted a guy who could share the same culture. In other words, they wanted a Latino.
So the two created to help Latinas and Latinos find their perfect match. works like most online dating sites: create a profile, post it along with your picture and create search parameters to find your “match.”
Yet knowing that Latinas/os socialize a little differently, Ariel and Joe have put a twist on their site.

We have teamed up with the most popular Latino event promoters and DJs in cities across the U.S. Together, we are hosting parties at clubs and lounges, happy hours and speed dating events.
We are hosting these events and forming these partnerships because we understand that Latinos demand more than a simple website to find each other.

Since the site just launched this week, its founders want to celebrate by offering a free 3-month trial membership to the first 1,000 people who register by Valentine’s Day.
Though no dating site can guarantee that you’ll find your one true love, it’s a given that Latinas will at least find more Latinos!

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