LatinaLista — It’s reported that Florida’s Latino Republicans make up 11 percent of the state’s registered voters. In the past, Latino Republicans’ wish lists were aligned with their party, but these are different times with candidates who either profess to know who Latino voters are or who make generalized assumptions.
Neither one is totally right.

To clarify for everyone who are Florida Latino voters, the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) released today a profile of the state’s Latino constituents.
“Hispanic voters have historically played a significant role in the outcome of primary elections in the state of Florida, and this year will be no different” stated NALEO Educational Fund Executive Director Arturo Vargas. “Their vote is up for grabs, and they will be looking to the Republican Primary candidates to directly address their issues and concerns in the coming days.”
Some findings of the report are:
Florida Hispanics are:
Cuban American (29%)
Puerto Rican (20%)
Mexican American (15%)
Central American (10%)
Colombian American (7%)
Dominican (4%)
Hispanic population grew by 55% over a ten-year period.
Hispanic voter turnout in Florida’s Presidential elections grew from 678,000 in 2000 to 1.2 million in 2008, an increase of 81%.
Hispanics account for 13% of Florida’s registered voters.
Nearly four of ten Hispanics are Democrats (38%), 31% are Republican, and 29% are Decline to State. Hispanics are less likely to be affiliated with either of the two major parties than non-Hispanics. Nearly one of three Hispanics (31%) are registered as “Decline to State” or with some other party, compared to 22% of non-Hispanics.
As of January 2011, 158 Latino elected officials served in Florida, four of whom serve in the U.S. Congress. Most officials (88%) serve at the local level, including county, municipal, school board, judicial and law enforcement, and special district officials.
Did you hear? Rick Santorum won important support in the Hispanic business community Friday, when the Latin Builders Association, based in Miami, endorsed his candidacy over that of frontrunners Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. “We are most interested in supporting a candidate that is going to reinvigorate the economy,” said Bernie Navarro, president of the association. “After careful consideration… our board voted to endorse Senator Santorum.” Support Rick Santorum for President! Don’t be influenced by the media. Polls are supposed to REFLECT public opinion, don’t let them influence you. If you like Rick, let the country know it! Rick is in this race for the long haul. He can win it. Rick Santorum is the true conservative in this race. Vote according to your conscience!
Don’t how you expect this conservative to have policies fool to reinvigorate the economy. All he seems to speak of is gays, abortion and how to legislate morality. Somehow these issues are suppose to reinvigorate the economy. How?
Mitt declined invitation to address Latin Builders – that may have played a part in not being endorsed by the organization..
Robin, maybe he knew he didn’t have a chance to win their endorsement.
Robbie, is your head in the sand? Rick Santorum has a comprehensive vision of the future economic success for America. You can read about where Rick stands on any of the important issues faceing America today at his website: and here is where he stands on how to reinvigorate the economy copied right from his website:
“I am excited about America and her future. In this election the American people have an opportunity to restore her greatness and to focus once again on protecting liberty and creating opportunity for all. No longer should it be harder for people to succeed economically than it was for their parents. No longer should upward mobility be better in parts of Europe than in America. We need a renewed focus on creating opportunity, not dividing Americans by class; on creating wealth, not distributing it; and on promoting savings rather than dependency.
This is what my father and grandfather came to America for. This is our time to reclaim it. In contrast, Obamanomics has brought one in six Americans to poverty. President Obama’s philosophy of “spreading the wealth” in fact spreads poverty and economic decline.
I have a bold economic plan that will move our country forward — a plan that will create jobs, renew confidence in the free-market place and reward families for their hard work. My plan will cut spending and ensure future fiscal responsibility through a balanced budget amendment; lower and simplify taxes for families and businesses to promote growth; return federal programs to the states to promote freedom; and promote sustainable health-care and retirement solutions for young people and seniors.
First, I will cut spending by $5 trillion over 5 years, repeal ObamaCare and other onerous regulations and cut non-defense spending to 2008 levels. I support legislation to prevent members of Congress from being paid if they don’t pass fiscally responsible spending bills on time. We will pass a balanced budget amendment to discipline Congress and limit federal spending to a maximum of 18 percent of gross domestic product. I will eliminate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s federal housing role, reduce non-defense related federal workers by at least 10 percent and eliminate all energy and most agriculture subsidies. We will unleash America’s domestic-energy production.
Second, I will lower personal income and corporate tax rates and dramatically simplify the tax code for families, workers and businesses. To promote marriage, families and the high calling of parenting, I will triple the child deduction and eliminate all marriage tax penalties. The family is the foundation of our country. We need to have an economic policy that supports families and freedom and encourages marriage.
Instead of adding new taxes like President Obama has, I will fight to simplify the tax code by moving from six to two rates and lowering personal income tax rates to 10 percent and 28 percent respectively and eliminating most deductions. This will get us back to Reagan-era pro-growth tax rates. My goal is for the American economy to be growing at least 4 percent to 4.5 percent a year in my first term as president, more than double President Obama’s; by one estimate this would help create 10 million jobs in three years.
I also support two corporate tax rates: 17.5 percent for most businesses — half the current rate — and zero for manufacturers. This will multiply job opportunities for struggling middle-income families and renew communities that have lost critical manufacturing jobs.
Third, I will support social innovation in the states and local communities, modernize our social safety net and be fiscally responsible by block granting to the states Medicaid, housing, job training, food stamps and education programs. We will promote dignity and control costs through time limits for able-bodied people, as we did successfully in welfare reform.
Fourth, I will work to implement key reforms to Medicare and Social Security. Those approaching retirement can only be confident if these programs are on sustainable footing. I support Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare reforms, which include private-sector innovation, competition and consumer choice. While I whole-heartedly support cutting taxes, I believe that changes to payroll taxes should be tied to sustainable reforms in Medicare and Social Security.
I don’t believe that poverty is a permanent condition. How do we effectively address poverty in rural and urban America? We promote jobs, marriage, quality education and access to capital and embrace the supports of civil society. I believe in equality of opportunity. I believe that American entrepreneurs and business owners create jobs and that skilled and committed workers sustain them, not government.”
Robert L
Recognizing GOP’s congressional obstructionism to the President’s job plan initiatives is not rocket science for all of Florida’s, Hispanic and Non-Hispanic voters alike.
Cuban-American voters became and have remained Republican, thanks to all the crap Kennedy and Clinton dished out to them. Arguably, much of that 29% Cuban-American vote may soon reconsider. Obama’s forceful and more intelligent US/Cuba policies have been refreshingly unexpected, from a Democrat.
More broadly, the general Hispanic voter may surprise pundits when they show their recognition that the Republican promise of “trickle-down” economics was an blatant lie. Whether it’s Mitt, Newt, Rick or Ron they all represent that same, Republican myth of bringing a “high tide that would lift all boats.” Come election time, the Hispanic voters may yet show that they have now figured out, the only way to lift their own boats is to vote Obama in 2012.