Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > International DayofPink reminds people bullying is not cool

International DayofPink reminds people bullying is not cool

LatinaLista — Today, April 11, is being celebrated as the DayofPink. While we would like to think it’s in honor of Latina Lista, the fact is it’s in honor of raising awareness about a serious issue in schools and communities across the globe — bullying.

DayofPink is the International Day against bullying, discrimination, homophobia and transphobia in schools and communities. It started five years ago when a gay student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing pink to school. To show solidarity with their classmate, two other classmates decided to buy pink shirts to wear to school themselves. They encouraged their friends to do the same and before long a new movement was born.

More than eight million people worldwide have registered online to participate in the fifth annual observance of the day.

While most of the activities and observances are happening in Canada, the simple way to remind people that bullying is not cool has caught on with everyone who knows about it and is as easy as putting on a shirt.


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