Latina Lista > Life Issues > Education > Breaking News: Colorado Allows In-State Tuition for Children of Illegal Immigrants

Breaking News: Colorado Allows In-State Tuition for Children of Illegal Immigrants

LatinaLista — Colorado Attorney General John Suthers outlined in his 6-page opinion that U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants have the right to receive in-state tuition.

Earlier this month, with universities and colleges gearing up for fall enrollment, Republican and Democrat politicians wanted to hold the children of undocumented immigrants accountable for their parents non-citizen status as it regarded to a new House Bill that had passed.
The only problem was that the punitive measure was a bad idea to begin with and under thoughtul scrutiny couldn’t hold up as being legal either.

Only a couple of hours after Colorado Attorney General John Suthers issued his opinion, some Colorado Republican lawmakers were vowing to introduce new legislation next year to close what the state’s conservative extremist politicians consider a loophole.

AG John Suthers
In the meantime, support for the Attorney General’s conclusions came from an unlikely camp — Colorado ‘s US House Representative Tom Tancredo — an ardent critic of undocumented immigrants.

“We’ve never had a problem with kids who are in the country legally,” Tancredo spokesman Carlos Espinosa said. “If they’re legal citizens, they should be granted in-state tuition.”

It’s a perspective that doesn’t just make sense or good policy but shows there’s a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel.

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  • Horace
    August 18, 2007 at 9:35 pm

    With in-state tuition being a subsidy by the taxpayer, and state resources being finite, I wonder how many citizens will be deprived of this benefit. This is a new day in our society when foreigners are given preference over citizens, even Hispanic citizens. Marisa, you can be first to tell a citizen that he’s being denied in-state tuition in favor of a foreigner.

  • Colorado Luis
    August 20, 2007 at 10:09 am

    Horace, did you even read the story? What the state was doing was denying in-state tuition to “US-born children” of undocumented. That means they were denying in state tuition to US citizens based on their parent’s status (or, more accurately, their ability to prove their parent’s status, because sometimes citizens have a hard time documenting the fact of their US birth).

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